HANDLINGS (All reading questions handled by 4 flows L & N

unless 2wc is explicitly stated)



01. Enforced confession from you? ________

F1: What has another forced you to confess?

F2: What have you forced another to confess?

F3: What have others forced others to confess?

F0: What have you forced yourself to confess?


02. Telling the truth? ________

F1: How have you been forced to tell the truth?

F2: How have you forced another to tell the truth?

F3: How have others forced others to tell the truth?

F0: How have you forced yourself to tell the truth?


03. Telling lies? ________

F1: What lie has another told you?

F2: What lie have you told another?

F3: What lie have others told others?

F0: What lie have you told yourself?


04. Consequences for telling the truth? ________

F1: What consequences have you been given for telling the truth?

F2: What consequences have you given another for telling the truth?

F3: What consequences have others given others for telling the truth?

F0: What consequences have you given yourself for telling the truth?


05. Communication enforced on you? ________

F1: What communication has been forced on you?

F2: What communication have you forced on another?

F3: What communication have others forced on others?

F0: What communication have you forced on yourself?


06. Enforced silence? ________

F1: How have you been forced to remain silent?

F2: How have you forced another to remain silent?

F3: How have others forced others to remain silent?

F0: How have you forced yourself to remain silent?


07. Suppressing purposes? ________

F1: What purpose of yours has been suppressed?

F2: What purpose of anothers have you suppressed?

F3: What purpose of others have others suppressed?

F0: What purpose of yours have you suppressed?



08. Destroying purposes? ________

F1: What purpose of yours has been destroyed?

F2: What purpose of anothers have you destroyed?

F3: What purpose of others have others destroyed?

F0: What purpose of yours have you destroyed?


09. Failed goal? ________

F1: What purpose of yours has another caused to fail?

F2: What purpose of anothers have you caused to fail?

F3: What purpose of others have others caused to fail?

F0: What purpose of yours have you caused to fail?


10. Thwarted goal? ________

F1: What purpose of yours has another thwarted?

F2: What purpose of anothers have you thwarted?

F3: What purpose of others have others thwarted?

F0: What purpose of yours have you thwarted?


11. Unwanted things? ________

2wc Tell me some unwanted things.


12. Overt products? ________

2wc Tell me about unwanted products.


13. Holding things off? ________

F1: What have you had to hold off?

F2? What have you made another hold off?

F3: What have others made others hold off?

F0: What have you made yourself hold off?


14. Pulling things in? ________

2wc Tell me about pulling things in.


15. Being enslaved? ________

F1: How has another enslaved you?

F2: How have you enslaved others?

F3: How have others enslaved others?

F0: How have you enslaved yourself?


16. Enslaving others? ________

F1: How has another enslaved you?

F2: How have you enslaved others?

F3: How have others enslaved others?

F0: How have you enslaved yourself?


17. No hope? (2wc) ________


18. No help? (2wc) ________


19. Nothing matters? (2wc) ________


20. Too important? (2wc) ________