10 G - 0


1. Has a group been harmful to itself?

2. Has a group betrayed itself?

3. Are there any overts that you think a group committed on its members?

4. Has a group been disloyal to itself?

5. Is there any group that destroyed itself?

6. Is there any group that invalidates its own goals?

7. Is there any group that fights its members?

8. Is there any school that has harmed itself?

9. Is there any race that has harmed itself?

10. Is there any country that has been harmful to itself?

11. Is there any nation that was self-destructive?

12. Is there any church that destroyed itself?

l3. Is there any religion that destroyed itself?

14. Is there any church or religion that destroyed its members?

15. Is there any church or religion that harmed its members?

16. Is there any agreement that is self-destructive?

17. Is there any way that groups harm themselves that we haven't covered here?