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Brunswik, E., Systematic and Representative Design of Psychological Experiments. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1949. Pp. vi-60.

Bulkley, D.H., Dianetics. A Scientific Re-Statement and a Summary of Logic. (Third Edition) Norwalk, Connecticut: The Connecticut Society for Dianetic Research, 1950, p. 16. (Mimeographed)

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Edwards, A. L., Experimental Design in Psychological Research.  New York: Rinehart and Company, Inc., 1951,  pp. xv-446.

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Hubbard, L.R., "Dianometry," Astounding Science Fiction, 46 (January, 1950), pp. 76-100.

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Kindwall, J.A., "Carbon-Dioxide Narcosis Therapy," American Journal of Psychiatry, 105 (March, 1949), pp. 682-685.

Kline, S., "Dianetics is Here: What is it?," The Daily Compass, 2 (September 24-28, 1950), (a feature series).

Maisel, A., "Dianetics: Science or Hoax?," Look, 14 (December 5, 1950), PP. 79-85.

McMurry, R. and King, J., SRA Non-Verbal Form.  Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1947.

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Revised Alpha Examination Form 7.  New York: The Psychological Corporation, 1933.

Rotter, J.B., Incomplete Sentence Blank – Adult Form.  New York: The Psychological Corporation, 1950.

Rotter, J. and Rafferty, J., Manual.  The Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank.  New York: The Psychological Corporation, 1950, p. 86.

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Schumann, F., "Correspondence," New Republic, 123 (September 11, 1950), p. 4.

Schumann, F., "Peace of Mind in Dianetics?," Better Homes and Gardens, 29 (April, 1951), pp. 6-10.

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Watson, J.B., Psychological Care of Infant and Child.  New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1928.

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Wolffe Dianetic Institute, An Outline of the Practice of Dianetics.  Chicago: Forum Publications, (undated), (unnumbered).

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