Public Health Service

Indian Health Service
Rockville MD 20857

DEC 22 1989

The Honorable Garry Bilger
Mayor, City of Newkirk
Box 469
Newkirk, Oklahoma 74647


Dear Mayor Bilger:

I am responding to your letter of August 18 to Mr. Manuel Lujan, Secretary, Department of the Interior. You forwarded information about the Narconon/Scientology drug treatment program developed by Mr. L. Ron Hubbard, and asked that we review that material.

The concept addressed in the "Purification Rundown" document is presented as a particular form of religious belief by the Church of Scientology. The Indian Health Service cannot support or condemn the effectiveness of such a concept in the treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse. However, in general because of a lack of empirical data, the "Purification Rundown" concept cannot be considered medically sound.

I trust this information is helpful. We appreciate your effort to bring this information to our attention.

Sincerely yours,


Everett R. Rhoades, M.D. Assistant Surgeon General Director