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Appendix C

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Organization Executive Course (OEC), Volume 6, Public Division

1) Filter out documents which do not contain "press, newspapers, public relations, PR, information."
2) Delete duplicate documents and documents not directly addressing key concepts or addressing only superficial aspects of key concepts (color of ink to be used in printing policies, etc.).

This is a special web version which is slightly edited so that

The following are from "Volume 6" of the "Organization Executive Course, an encyclopedia of Scientology Policy" by L. Ron Hubbard. This volume will hereinafter referred to as OEC Vol 6.

Published by the
Church Scientology of California
2723 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, California 90026

Copyright 1974 by L. Ron Hubbard

Printed in the United States of America by Kingsport Press, Inc.

There is a preliminary disclaimer in the front of the book as follows:

"This is part of the religious literature and works of the Founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. It is presented to the reader as part of the record of his personal research into Life, and should be construed only as a written report of such research and not as a statement of claims made by the Church or the author."

Church of Scientology

130. OEC Vol 6, item 3
HCO Policy Letter
June 18, 1965

This policy distinguishes between two different publics. These two different publics are tended by two different divisions. Division 2 addresses those "who have bought something from an org[anization]." Division 6 "handles the people who have never bought anything from an org[anization]."

[...] Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1965
by L. Ron Hubbard

131. OEC Vol 6, item 4
HCO Policy Letter
June 21, 1965
Distribution Division (DIV 6) [...]

The following are listed as functions of the "Distribution Division":

1. Book Dept Sales.
2. Franchise.
3. Field activities.
4. Field Staff Members.
5. Distribution of the Auditor.
6. Congresses.
7. Body departure (other than org personnel).
8. Political contacts.
9. New areas.
10. New activities.
11. Press and public relations.
12. Special projects.
13. Changed conditions.
14. All advertising.
15. Auditors Groups (such as PAC).
16. Study Groups.
17. Groups in general.
18. Group Secretaries.

Press and public relations appear to hold only a secondary role in "Division 6."

Written for L. Ron Hubbard
by Reg Sharpe
Issued by L. Ron Hubbard

132. OEC Vol 6, item 11
HCO Policy Letter
October 26, 1967
The Public Divisions

By this policy the "Public Divisions" were founded. The "Public Divisions" were set up to communicate with the public. It was pointed out:

As we have not provided for the public on our org board, it tends to become another determinism.

One version of "Division Six" was given as follows:

DIVISION SIX - Public Planning

Dept 16 - Public Planning
Dept 17 - Public Communications
Dept 18 - Public Reports

"Division 6" was envisioned as containing the departments as numbered. It may be stated that divisions 1 through 5 contained departments 1 through 15.

Hubbard summarized the functions of the public divisions in relation to government:


L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1967

133. OEC Vol 6, item 23
HCO Policy Letter
June 10, 1970
Public Divisions and Tech-Admin Ratio

The "Public Divisions" also served a role in sustaining the organization overall:

The Public Div[ision]s can actually drive in mobs if they try and if they provide public services for such mobs with enough income to handle said mobs. Then enough students for Div IV will come out of the publicly serviced mob to make it very worthwhile for the org as a whole.


L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1970
by L. Ron Hubbard

134. OEC Vol 6, item 25
HCO Policy Letter
August 20, 1970
Division Six: The Public Relations Division

Division 6 relationship to other public divisions and functions were given as follows:

Division 6 - PR Area Control and Public Promotion

Division 7 - Public Services

Division 8 - Public Sales


CS-G for L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1970
by L. Ron Hubbard

The ideal scene for "Division 6" consists of establishing "PR Control over its business contacts, local community, mass media and profession leaders, community groups, necessary VIPs and people who count...." That sort of relationship was to "achieve safety" and be free from "enemy attack."

Public Relations (PR) control was obtained by "projecting a highly acceptable Image carefully aligned to what is publicly popular and needed and effective in bringing masses of people into the Org reaching for service." The means by which this control was to be measured was stated as the number of new names added to prospect files.

Under Division 6 is listed Department 16 - "Fact Finding and Research."

The ideal scene for this department was listed as "accurately and routinely supplying reliable information, facts and evaluation/research findings pertaining to PR" policies, programs and public trends. Positive points were awarded for actions that included getting policies accepted and for finding facts that could be used. Negative points were awarded for every "contra-PR act." Within this department were listed a "Fact Library Section," a "Surveys Section," a "Success Section," a "New Policies and PR Programmes Section," and the "PR Briefing Section." The PR briefing section was awarded 1 position point for each "useful PR briefing given ...," but given a negative 30 points for each "contra-PR act" engaged in by those in its areas of responsibility. Here Hubbard defined "contra-PR act" as follows:

Discourtesy or mishandling of Org[anization] customers, bad appearance in any staff member or Org area, upsets caused the community or any part thereof by the Org or any individual staff member, ... [upsetting] any outside business contact or PR contact and any publicly non-acceptable activity or activities sponsored or enacted by the Org or individual staff member.

The ideal scene for Department 17 under Division 6 was listed as

actively creating a popular image for the Org[anization] and Sc[ie]n[tology] by acceptable interpretation of what Scn is, what our policies are and what the Org stands for through bold broad publicity, staged PR events, regular day to day PR actions, achieving excellent control and relations with all outside Org contacts, community contacts, opinion leaders, profession leaders, VIPs and mass media contacts ...

Under Department 17 was listed the "PR program pre-test section" and the "Publicity Section." The "Publicity Section" was defined as

... a professional competent information service, putting out many effective, publicly acceptable, hard news releases, articles and PR statements to TV, press and radio which get used, handling expertly the demands of all mass media with whom the Org has excellent relations, resulting in smooth control of all influential mass media contacts to whom the publicity section (or its PRO) is a stable terminal thus making it possible for lots of free good publicity for the Org, Dianetics and Scientology but impossible for any bad publicity.

The performance of the Publicity Section was measured by awarding 5 points for "every item of good publicity" and negative 150 points "for every item of bad publicity."

Under Department 17 were also listed the "Staff Relations Section" and the "Community Relations Section." This section was to "smoothly" handle "all community leaders, VIPs, groups and contacts by communicating and projecting a real and highly acceptable Org image...."

There is also list a "Special Programs Section." This section was to introduce the Scientology customers' methods into all schools and universities and to establish a racial (anti-discrimination) program. That one was to "increase understanding of life and people for coloured people." The Special Programs section was also to institute a "hospital program," a "religious" program, and a "drug abuse" program.

And finally Department 18 - Public Communications - is also listed under Division 6. Its ambitious ideal scene was listed, in part, as follows:

Vast volumes of broad sweepingly effective public promotion going out in a steadily increasing flow to masses and masses of public individuals bringing about floods of response ...

Under Department 18 came the "Advertising Section," the "Info Pack Section" (targeted mass mailing), and the "Promotion Section," which promoted recruitment events.

135. OEC Vol 6, item 29
HCO Policy Letter
October 2, 1970
Appearance Clarification

In this policy statement, "appearances" was made a responsibility of Division 6, Department 16, PR Briefing Section.

CS-G for
L. Ron Hubbard
copyright 1970
by L. Ron Hubbard

136. OEC Vol 6, item 37
HCO Policy Letter
August 5, 1971

This is another addition to the above functions. Diana Hubbard, daughter of Ron Hubbard, stated that "good word of mouth" was the result of success. She considered this to be the "finalization" of PR area control.

L[ieutenan]t. C[om]m[an]d[e]r. Diana Hubbard
for L. Ron Hubbard
Distribution Aide
Copyright (c) 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

137. OEC Vol 6, item 38
HCO Policy Letter
November 14, 1971
Mini Public Division Org Board [Organization Chart]

This policy defines "public relations area control" as follows:

Public Relations Area Control: Consists of these duties:

A. Classifying, researching and listing the various publics that exist.

B. Locating who the Opinion Leaders are.

C. Surveying the various publics and Opinion Leaders for what they want, what is popular, public relations and preferences.

D. Formulating from surveys what to campaign and push and tailoring PR messages that hit the right buttons (per surveys) for the right publics.

E. Contact and getting Opinion Leaders on our side giving us favorable mention and assistance.

F. Image and Appearances of the org, policing same and keeping them acceptable to the public.

G. Community PR, liaison and participation to increase favorable image.

H. Campaigns and PR programmes using surveys, contacts. events, mass media to get across our PR message.

I. News-stories, press, TV and Radio to increase Scientology impingement on the public.

These duties if performed will create favorable opinion and response from publics and get them into the Org.


Lt. Cmdr. Diana Hubbard
L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

Researcher's Note:
Letters 138 and 139 were placed in reverse order on the OEC 6 table of contents by function

139 OEC Vol 6, item 48
HCO Policy Letter
January 10, 1969

In this letter Hubbard's junior, Bill Howey, urged the immediate integration of the Public Divisions into the customers' system. He stressed that "captivating the public" was not a task that could be done by only two people. It would take an organized team, which he wrote was currently all but non-existent. The result of this increased promotional activity was to "be able to sell an 'ice box to an [E]skimo'" and to be able to "sell a car to a car salesman." Put into terms his customers could relate to, he wrote, "Our job is selling freedom for Man." In conjunction with this concept Howey also wrote for Hubbard that the phrase "the greatest show on Earth" was appropriate. In this case, he continued, the commodity that was being promoted was called "Scientology." The promotion of this commodity was said to be the equivalent of "promoting Truth." To support this, he stated, "Truth is simplicity. It's a simple job."

The responsibility of the Public Divisions also included internal propagation of positive information and internal suppression of negative information, which Howey termed "picking up any loose threads on Ethics matters and seeing that they are cleaned up and properly handled."

Commander Bill Howey
for L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1969
by L. Ron Hubbard

138 OEC Vol 6, item 42
HCO Policy Letter
December 8, 1965

This policy sets the scope of the Distribution Division as follows:

The setting up of a communication network for Scientology that will encompass Planet Earth is the job of Distribution Division.

In this letter Ron Hubbard also stated that he believed it was a morally reprehensible act upon the public for them to be able to read negative opinions about his Scientology customer in the press if they did not also know where to read the appropriate positive opinions. In regards to this effort he wrote

Make sure every point of public enquiry - libraries, tourist bureaux, police stations, etc, have our info packs. [...]

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1965
by L. Ron Hubbard

140. OEC Vol 6, item 52
Professional Auditor's Bulletin No. 36
October 1, 1954
A Basic Course in Scientology - Part C
The Use of Scientology Materials

In this bulletin Hubbard stated the difference between materials and tools as follows:

The materials of Scientology are not its tools. Its tools are processes - its materials are books, tapes, Professional Auditor's Bulletins, Journals, letters and experience. [...]

Hubbard pointed out that the above-mentioned materials were meant for communication. Communication, he stated, had a certain time in which it could take place and certain recipients for whom the communication was meant. Certain materials could be communicated to the general public without problem. Other materials were meant to be communicated only to those who had been properly trained in the usage of such materials. He stated that

if we do not recognize this fact, and if we do not follow it, then we are going to produce a confusion with Scientology, and we are going to turn people away from Scientology, and we are going to defeat Scientology in doing what it is trying to do.

Hubbard then rationalized how the lack of compartmentation would cause confusion, and why this confusion would be destructive. The person conveying information was acting as a "teacher," and he gave the purpose of a teacher as informing, not confusing, an audience. In plainer language, Hubbard wrote, "Bluntly, you cannot avalanche data on to the heads of partially trained, poorly comprehending people ...."

Giving too much data to people, Hubbard wrote, would cause failure for the person acting as teacher and for the group that the person represented. Failure was described as the act of people walking away from teaching sessions without having accepted the teacher's ideas and having no intention of wanting to come back for more ideas.

This lack of communication would also have a ripple effect that, Hubbard stated as follows, could have been avoided:

And they will not tell their friends about it, and people who should be brought in to be, helped will not be brought in to be helped. And so a great many people, by this misunderstanding of the uses of the materials of Scientology are being denied the benefits of Scientology simply because these materials have not been handled with intelligence.

The readers were made aware that tapes of lectures were available that would be suitable to use upon the general public. The advantage of these tapes was that they

do not so deluge individuals that they create a confusion, but simply spark their interest and curiosity sufficiently to bring them to a level where they will at least wish to experience some of the benefits of Scientology or desire to pursue it further.

Hubbard delineated rules for the proper application of information: (1) give only such information as would cause the public to have hope, (2) before giving information to people, "render them completely practiced," and then give them the information "only when they are expert," (3) do not talk about the information, apply it, and (4) the simplest information was the best.

Perhaps in an extension of item (4), Hubbard wrote

One could say that Man was a complicated animal simply because he is a simple animal and will not face it.

L. Ron Hubbard
copyright 1954
by L. Ron Hubbard

141. OEC Vol 6, item 53
HCO Bulletin
September 15, 1959
Dissemination Tips

In this bulletin Hubbard evaluated the various methods of propagating information. The best method, he wrote, was personal contact. Next, books were said to be useful in that books that contained contact information could put in libraries.

The next method listed was the "casualty contact" and was described as follows:

This is a pretty routine drill really. You get permission to visit. You go in and give patients a cheery smile. You want to know if you can do anything for them, you give them a card and tell them to come around to your group and really get well, ... I've got a book scheduled the "sick person" as a working title that will make good fodder for this. But your statement, "The modern scientific church can cure things like that. Come around and see," will work. It's straight recruiting.

Hubbard wrote that newspaper advertisements were expensive and sometimes "hard to get," but still credited them with some workability. He wrote:

The best ad to date on actual test is "no matter how bad your problem is, something can be done about it, phone . . ." also, "Body? Mind? Spirit? Who are you? Phone . . ." also works.

Hubbard frowned on talking to groups as a method of propagating information. He said that it rarely achieved the desired outcome and also complained about the cost of giving away literature.

Hubbard disapproved even more of cooperating with groups. One objection he had was that groups almost always had different goals than that of his customer. He wrote that it was "far far better to spend weeks in getting to meet the man in charge." He summed up by writing "A straight attack on groups is a waste of time."

For this audience, Hubbard wrote that both newspaper stories and letters to editors were a "liability and should be avoided." Radio advertisements, he wrote, had been fruitful only when they contained lecture material, but "Radio spot ads are worthless." Posters and billboards, it seems, had occasionally gotten a large number of people to contact the customer, depending on the message. He also said that a large number of"posters scattered around town once produced a very heavy attendance."

The main obstacle in getting people to accept ideas, Hubbard wrote, was that the ideas offered by the customer covered too general of a field, i.e., "all of life and all living things." The way to get around this obscurity of intent, Hubbard recommended that the purveyor of information

have an APPARENT goal that is understandable to the audience or person ... and with which he will agree.

Once agreement was achieved

Show him then something about himself and the battle is pretty well won.

This method was said to be effective if used as follows:

Don't try to persuade. Penetrate. Don't try to overwhelm. Penetrate. And even a newspaper reporter will fall in your lap.

In this regard, Hubbard referred to the "E-Meter as a dissemination weapon." He also set the mood as follows:

We are the first group on earth that knew what they were talking about. All right, sail in. The world's ours. Own it.

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright (c) 1959
by L. Ron Hubbard

142. OEC Vol 6, item 55 HCO Bulletin September 23, 1959 The Perfect Dissemination Program

In this bulletin Hubbard outlined a plan to obtain professional salespeople to disseminate information for Scientology. To achieve this he offered the following:

The conditions of a perfect dissemination program would be, of course, maximum dissemination with minimum effort.

Hubbard then outlined six steps of his system, and ended up by stating

If this becomes in fact the perfect dissemination program then we've got it made and made again. For with this basic communication network working in the society we will have something to build upon toward higher goals and a better world.

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1959
by L. Ron Hubbard

143. OEC Vol 6, item 58
HCO Policy Letter 23
October 23, 1965
Dissemination Drill

This letter lists instructions on how to establish personal contact. There are four steps listed. The first is simple contact. The next step is to handle any objections the person has to one's own ideas. Once that is done, the goal is to find out in what manner the person has failed in life. Hubbard stated this, in part, as follows:

This is basically - What is ruining them? What is messing them up? It must be a condition that is real to the individual as an unwanted condition, or one that can be made real to him.

At that point the person is to be made to understand that a solution is to be found if the person agrees to make contact with the Scientology system. There is also a drill given in which the reader of this letter can practice doing the above.

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1965
by L. Ron Hubbard

144. OEC Vol 6, item 59
HCO Policy Letter
November 23, 1969
Individuals vs. Groups

The purpose of this letter is to make the reader aware that communication is to be directed to individuals, but not to groups. The rationality behind this direction was that individuals have problems, whereas groups have solutions. Hubbard apparently felt that other group's solutions should not be put into competition with the group that comprised his customer's when he wrote

Indeed, by addressing it directly as a group by a lecture or a mailing you can solidify the consistent antagonism it feels to anything different to its ideas.

Hubbard stated that only expert public relations professionals could approach groups. PR experts were allegedly familiar with the same details of dealing with groups that Hubbard was. Cooperation could only be established when common goals existed and still was a "touchy matter" that would have to be "smoothly handled." This was especially true of "political and social" groups as their reasons for existence possibly included "a simple wish to assemble or to make things go right." Hubbard explained one of the reasons for the existence of groups by writing

They are not there to make a better society, but to have mutual support for some special idea.

In addition to having a reason for existence that was selfish, Hubbard also wrote of groups:

"Groups tend to perpetuate the conditions which they are formed to combat."

As examples, Hubbard gave the "American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association."

The advantage of addressing individuals instead of groups, Hubbard explained, was that "about 92%" of all people were "unaligned." Hubbard alleged that figure was "taken from countries involved in heavy insurgent attack." Newspapers, Hubbard wrote as follows, were not only misleading in this regard, but tools of "specialized groups":

The commotion of "mobs" one reads about in the press, the "opinion of the people" are usually propaganda nonsense gotten up by specialized groups who are less than a thousandth of the population. They are staged and pushed by newspapers who are solvent only on funds that make them pro- or anti-. Newspapers represent so little of "public opinion" they are seldom generally liked.

Hubbard gave his solution to the above perceived undesirable situation as follows:

Newspaper reporters are usually serving by direct orders, specialized groups. [...] By the natural selection of firing any reporter who isn't a devoted advocate of the special interest group behind the publisher any disaffected newspaperman isn't on that paper long. [...] The closest you can come is to control the publisher or to indicate alliance with the paper's interests to the reporter.

At this point, Hubbard referred to a member of a group as "The Special Interest Individual," capitalizing the first letters of the individual words. This person, Hubbard wrote, had a "SOLUTION," capitalizing each letter of that word. A person thus described, wrote Hubbard, considered "any other idea" to be a "potential enemy of his solution." Because of this alleged rejection of other ideas, group members were said to forward their own ideas, making open communication with them impossible. Hubbard also wrote that communication from these group members was sometimes hidden and sometimes became "vicious." The solution to this situation, Hubbard wrote, lie only in uncovering the hidden, vicious communication the group member supposedly had.

That, wrote Hubbard, still left 92% of the world's population, which he had described as "unaligned." Those were allegedly the people with whom communication was possible. The common denominator of this group of unaligned people, Hubbard wrote, was that they had a desire for "personal survival."

With regard to institutions of higher learning, Hubbard wrote:

Thus there is little point in disseminating to a university as it has solutions for everything. There is every point in disseminating to a student as he has the problems.

In other examples, Hubbard wrote

There would be no point in disseminating to a police force. There would be every point in disseminating to a policeman who has problems.


There would be no point in disseminating to the War Ministry but every point in disseminating to soldiers who have PROBLEMS.

Doing the above would not be without drawbacks, Hubbard believed, as

The only "risk" one runs is some special interest group believing their prey are being stolen from them.

These groups, according to Hubbard, also included some government agencies. His client, however, was said not to have undesirable special interests, but was only interested in survival.

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1969
by L. Ron Hubbard

145. OEC Vol 6, item 62

HCO Policy Letter
August 24, 1965
Cleanliness of Quarters and Staff
Improve our Image

In this letter, Hubbard associated sales income, "goodwill" and appearance as follows:

There is no quicker way to depress income and public goodwill than to have dirty quarters and slovenly staff.

In meeting objections, Hubbard also mentioned that if the staff were not rich enough to buy suitable fixtures, they could at least keep their possessions clean.

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1965
by L. Ron Hubbard

146. OEC Vol 6, item 64
HCO Policy Letter
June 17, 1969
The Org[anization] Image

In this letter, Hubbard expanded the idea of the image of an organization. To start off with, he stated that poor image could result in a 90% decrease in income, thereby reducing organization expansion and causing trouble in general. The extended result would be loss of important, sympathetic people who would have helped protect the organization. And the final product would be that "public confidence" in the customer would suffer.

Hubbard detailed areas of which organizational image was comprised. These included: the premises, public communications, personnel appearance and attitude and delivery of services. In regard to friend and enemies, he wrote that "image" also consisted of

Alliances with suitable groups and leaders, with due regard to local "ethnic" values. (Publicly admired values.)


Eradication of enemies on public lines with due regard to local ethnic values (publicly detested values).

Hubbard wrote that contemporary public relations work was not as inclusive as the points he listed. To demonstrate he cited from unnamed "texts" the following functions of public relations:

"1. To keep management informed of public opinion, and of events and trends likely to affect its reputation.

"2. To advise management on the policies and actions it should adopt in order to gain and keep public good will; and on the likely effects, in terms of public opinion, of any policies and actions dictated by other factors.

"3. To apply public relations techniques to solve problems in which the company's reputation is at stake and to maintain a continuing, positive programme of action to secure good will, presenting the company in all its aspects to all its audiences by every appropriate means of communication.

Hubbard wrote that the disadvantage of hiring outside agencies to do the above was that such agencies had a high rate of personnel turnover. He further stated that from past experience, outside professionals had "laid the foundation of our difficult times," thus making them even less desirable. Finally, Hubbard justified his aversion to outside PR agencies by writing

In Dianetics and Scientology we have gone up against a totalitarian conspiracy using "mental health" to control populations. This was not a normal PRO atmosphere as encountered by business firms. It began with war where the enemy controlled all news media and governments.

The fact that his customer's organization was able to survive at all, wrote Hubbard, was proof that the organization was "very very good indeed." He also concluded that this was why his defined scope of public relations extended far beyond the "usual company demands." He said that while the "enemy" used every "PR and Intelligence" technique and controlled "many key government figures," the "enemy" was still losing.

Hubbard explained the enemy's losing, in spite of the enemy's advantages, by stating that the people on his customer's side were "sincere." In that regard, he wrote, "WORD OF MOUTH is a public relations comm[unications] line superior to press, radio, television or Mr. Big." Hubbard explained that the media sought only to create "word of mouth," which meant "what people say to one another." The power of "word of mouth," he asserted, would be strengthened by supporting popular opinion and opposing opinion that was not popular.

The "enemy," Hubbard stated, used contemporary public relations concepts, which he stated were "total control of governments, press, radio, TV and all standard PRO media, plus financing in terms of billions." In order to gain superiority to that, the customer would have to maintain: integrity (sincerity), word of mouth, and "workability and usefulness of product." Those were stated to be the three key items without which public relations would not function.

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1969
by L. Ron Hubbard

147. OEC Vol 6, item 65

HCO Policy Letter
November 12, 1969
Appearance and PRO

Hubbard begins this letter by stating that public relations action should be supported by appearance. Appearances Hubbard disapproved of included "too much perfume," "body odor" and dirty fingernails. He then related appearance to his laws of communication. Part of this included the "wonderland of 'cover appearances.'" Hubbard described a cover appearance as one that the perceiver would expect to see. As an example, he stated

Impersonating a real reporter one has to look like what the person being interviewed thinks reporters currently look like in that area. Notice we say "what the person thinks reporters look like".

Hubbard stated that impersonation amounted to "perverting" his laws of communication and that it therefore belonged "more to an intelligence service than PRO."

Nevertheless, Hubbard still stated that a public relations practitioner still created an illusion. This was one that would be considered acceptable by the receivers of the intended message. Acceptability, according to Hubbard, was determined by "ethnics," which he defined as "beliefs, mores, customs, patterns of thought or racial or religious stable data."

To sum up, Hubbard wrote

The factors one is trying to instill are acceptability and belief.

In this regard, Hubbard cautioned that "sometimes the whole truth is too much." In case of difficulty, he advised, the best refuge was to be "clean, neat, mannerly version of oneself."

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1969
by L. Ron Hubbard

148. OEC Vol 6, item 68
HCO Policy Letter
May 20, 1970
Guardian Public Relationships

This letter was written by L. Ron Hubbard's wife, Mary Sue. She led the Guardian's Office. In this letter, Mary Sue defines the interface between the customers' "Public Divisions" and her "Guardian's Office." The scope of the Guardian's Office responsibilities were to cover the following:

Press relations
Government relations
Special Guardian group relations
Opposition group relations
Troublesome relations.

The hierarchy of the relationship was set forth as follows:

In press relations are included relations with the press, radio, television and magazines. Although the Public Divisions may place news releases, appear on radio or television or write stories for magazines, all such is done in co-ordination with and approved by the Public Relations Bureau of the Guardian's Office. Any reporter calling the organization is routed to the Guardian Public Relations Bureau.

From the above it can be seen that the Guardian's Office was the agency with which any outside reporter was to actually communicate. The powers of the Guardian's Office also extended to all branches of the government, including "local, county, district (state) or national ...." This was to include "all lobbying actions" and public relations programs that dealt with the government. "Special Guardian group relations" was to cover those groups with which the Guardian's Office was pursuing mutual goals. Mary Sue Hubbard defined opposition groups as "those which are acting against Scientology or against the goals of Scientology." Finally, the Guardian's Office would also be the point of contact for people who sued the organization, "hostile members of the immediate community" and so on.

Mary Sue Hubbard
L. Ron Hubbard

Copyright (c) 1970
by L. Ron Hubbard

149. OEC Vol 6, item 69
HCO Policy Letter
July 23, 1969
Public Research and Reports Surveys:
Briefing and Debriefing

This letter explains how a "Survey Unit" functions. The Survey Unit is a group that is engaged in an "Ethnic Survey." From a previous letter (see OEC Vol 6, item 64, 65), it can be inferred that the purpose of this survey is to gather from an area what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Preciseness is stressed in these instructions, which include an order that survey members are not to "add or subtract from orders or duties."

Tom Morgan
Public Exec See WW
Exec Council WW
Rodger Wright
Leif Windle
Policy Review Section WW
Jane Kember
The Guardian WW
L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright (c) 1969
by L. Ron Hubbard

150. OEC Vol 6, item 73
Executive Directive from L. Ron Hubbard
December 18, 1971
Surveys are the Key to Stats

Hubbard starts this directive by warning his readers

We can do too much. ...{W]e could cure what often passes as insanity. [...] We are the only people who can cure drugs.

The problem with curing insanity and curing drugs, Hubbard stated, was a matter of credibility. Nobody would ever believe that his customer could do that much. Therefore, in order to find out what was acceptable to people, it was necessary to conduct surveys. In this regard he wrote

To find out what people want or will accept or will believe one does SURVEYS.

Once the surveys were accomplished, he wrote, the results should be used. Not using the results were said to be a big reason for failure of the survey. The purpose of a survey, Hubbard wrote, was to find out what service people thought was valuable enough to give money for. He also wrote that at some point people would no longer be willing to give money for a certain service. That threshold, he wrote, was called "saturation." Once that occurred it was time for another survey so the cycle would start all over again.

Failing to survey, Hubbard wrote, would cost "thousands in ineffective promo[tion]." He also gave a slogan: "Know before you promote!"

L. Ron Hubbard

151. OEC Vol 6, item 74
HCO Policy Letter
July 12, 1966
Legal Aspects of Success Material Publications

In this letter Hubbard set forth a requirement that a signed release statement accompany any "success story" written by any public person for services rendered by his customer's organization. That would help to avoid copyright difficulties if that person's write-up was used in organizational promotion. In the event a signed release had not been obtained, the organization should use the person's initials instead of a name.

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1966
by L. Ron Hubbard

OEC Vol 6, item 152
HCO Bulletin
June 23, 1960
Special Zone Plan
The Scientologist's Role in Life

In this bulletin, Hubbard told his readers

We are masters of IQ and ability.

He also set the stage for his message by stating that his readers had at their disposal the "largest fund of information of life and its patterns that has been assembled in a factual package on Earth." That led to the question of what was to be done with all the information that had been assembled.

Hubbard's recommendation was that action would speak louder than words. He summed it up by writing

The cue in all this is don't seek the co-operation of groups. Don't ask for permission. Just enter them and start functioning to make the group win through effectiveness and sanity.

To illustrate by specific example, he wrote

Don't bother to get elected. Get a job on the secretarial staff or the bodyguard, use any talent one has to get a place close in, go to work on the environment and make it function better.

153. OEC Vol 6, item 256<

HCO Policy Letter
August 13, 1970
PR Series No. 1
Liabilities of PR

In this first of his public relations (PR) series letters, Hubbard wrote that the majority of the data accumulated on PR in the twentieth century indicated it was a subject that should be approached with caution. It could even be dangerous, he continued, when used by unscrupulous or inexpert people, for instance. Part of the liability, he wrote, was that PR dealt with the human mind and the human mind was not completely understood.

He further stated that all prior knowledge of the human mind had been contaminated by the teachings of Professor Wundt of the University of Leipzig in 1879, who he alleged to have

declared Man a soulless animal subject only to stimulus-response mechanisms and without determinism.

More perversions, he wrote, were added by Sigmund Freud with the "Libido Theory." Freud, Wundt and others supposedly not only hindered the study of the mind, but spread their "strange mental ideas" through the mass media, which he described as "Press, Radio, Television, Magazines and in lobbying parliaments."

In addition, Hubbard wrote that it was usual for inexpert use of PR to bring an employer "into decay."

Hubbard used the Nazis and Stalinists as examples of unscrupulous "cliques" that were "enormously assisted by PR techniques." In this regard, he wrote

Using PR techniques to bring about disrepute of their imagined enemies unscrupulous persons have brought about an atmosphere of war, crime and insanity on the planet.

Apparently the phrase "black PR" is used to describe the above use of public relations. In addition, Hubbard wrote that this was the type of public relations that was currently most used. The practitioners of this PR were said to define what they did as "a nicey-nicey way of bringing good works to public notice and that is their favorite definition." The fact of the matter, Hubbard wrote, was that "10 times as much PR work" was done by these PR practitioners to get rid of their employer's real or imagined enemies than were actual "good works."

The daily routine of a working PR man, Hubbard wrote, consisted of

[b]ribing newspapermen and "free lance writers" to write horrible lies about a competitor, bribing or lying to Congressmen or ministers or members of Parliament to get a law passed to enable a fast buck to be made and countering the ploys of the other firm's PR ...

Hubbard stated that this reality was quite different from the subject as taught by professors. "It's a PR world," he wrote, and he wrote that the bad news of the 20th century that his audience had read about in newspapers and seen on television was the product of public relations. He also correlated the "decline of the British Empire" to its establishment of information offices for PR.

Hubbard also stated that PR employees were often "degenerate," but that the sheer volume of their work served to overwhelm the helpless population with lies. The outcome of this, Hubbard wrote, was a prevalent mood of "dismay and contempt across the world."

Hubbard then used his above statements to justify the cynicism in public relations. He warned his readers that sometimes public relations personnel would be dealing with "some pretty questionable characters," and that they should be aware that PR done by the "bad hats" resulted in "hate and decay." The reason for his warning, Hubbard stated, was to prevent his readers from being disillusioned.

PR could properly be described, wrote Hubbard, as a partially workable technique that was capable of changing "states of mind in different types of audiences or publics." In this regard, it could sometime be misused. To prevent this sort of misuse, Hubbard wrote that he had done further study on the subject in order to "find out what was wrong with it." His findings were that PR was dangerous, was prone to failure and could be turned against one by the competition.

For this reason, Hubbard wrote that the standard texts of public relations would have to be modified in ways to be shown in later letters.

Copyright 1970
by L. Ron Hubbard

154. OEC Vol 6, item 257
HCO Policy Letter
August 13, 1970
PR Series No. 2
The Missing Ingredient

The ingredient that was missing in public relations, Hubbard wrote, was Scientology's understanding. Once this concept of understanding was brought into harmony, then ideas could be communicated. He set this in contrast to "older PR practitioners, who he wrote

used circus exaggeration or black propaganda. They sought to startle or intrigue and the easiest way to do it was with exclamation point "facts" which were in fact lies.

Hubbard said typical examples of PR were practiced by Stalin, Hitler, the U.S. president, and the mental health industry. He emphasized this by stating their stock-in-trade was "black bald-faced lies."

The tremendous power of newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and modern "mass media" communication is guided by the PRs of special interests and they guide with lies. Thus PR is corrupted to "a technique of lying convincingly".

This situation, Hubbard wrote, was due to society's failure to use Scientology's concept of understanding. To rectify the situation, he created a "law," which stated "Never use lies in PR." Hubbard added that it was not a good idea to exaggerate. Hubbard then stated that it was not a good idea to tell the entire truth, either. He wrote,

Tell an acceptable truth. Agreement with one's message is what PR is seeking to achieve. Thus the message must compare to the personal experience of the audience. So PR becomes the technique of Communicating an acceptable truth - and which will attain the desirable result.

PR could have two purposes, Hubbard wrote. It could be used to achieve what the group wanted, or it could be used to "cancel out" lies of other groups. Hubbard termed the latter type as "defensive PR."

In this regard he mentioned Sun Tzu and his book on warfare. The concept he imparted was that of killing an enemy agent who told lies. Hubbard called this concept the "dead agent caper." He thought it was the proper defensive action to be used upon one's enemies. As an example, he gave Scientology and its enemy - psychiatry. He wrote that Scientology's documentation of its enemy's lies was the model that should be followed. To illustrate, he wrote

In the war between psychiatric hostile PR and the truth of Scientology, the "dead agent" caper has a field day. Psychiatric PR has been lying for 20 years. Documented, the fact of these lies are lies is killing off psychiatry. You understand, it's not one PR's word against another's. It's one PR's documents against the other PR's lies! That is correct defensive PR.

In finding acceptable truth, Hubbard stated that surveys were to be used. He also wrote that imagination was a necessary ingredient as long as one's imagination was "devoted to how the truth is made acceptable." In that regard, imaginary statements were "quite useful" as long as they were "not passed off as truth."

Hubbard concluded by writing that PR, as practiced by those who did not have the correct understanding of what a mind was, would fail. Even those who did have the correct understanding would be under strain.

Copyright 1970
by L. Ron Hubbard

155. OEC Vol 6, item 258
HCO Policy Letter
August 13, 1970
PR Series No. 3
Wrong Publics

In this third letter of his public relations (PR) series, Hubbard let his readers know that public relations used a special definition of "public" that was not in the dictionary. He wrote that in 1911 "public" was used by the early PR professionals to mean "a type of audience" that had a common interest. Addressing the wrong public accounted for about 99% of PR errors.

The PR professional was said to get to know a distinct public by taking a survey and studying reactions. He then could plan communication accordingly, with potentially a different message going to each public. If this were done, the desired result would occur. Hubbard stated that the desired result could be "moulding public opinion."

Copyright 1970
by L. Ron Hubbard

156. OEC Vol 6, item 259
HCO Policy Letter
October 9, 1970
PR Series No. 4
The PR Personality

Hubbard made a point in this letter that public relations personnel must primarily be able to confront, organize and work. He called being charming, brilliant and inspiring "delusory requirements."

Copyright 1970
by L. Ron Hubbard

157. OEC Vol 6, item 260
HCO Policy Letter
November 18, 1970
PR Series No. 5
PR Definition

Hubbard gave another definition in this letter regarding "the duty and purpose of a public relations man." Those duties included: (1) interpreting management policy for the publics, (2) advising management in the creation of policy, and (3) getting the public to understand and accept the company.

Copyright 1970
by L. Ron Hubbard

158. OEC Vol 6, item 261
HCO Policy Letter
May 11, 1971
PR Series No. 6
Opinion Leaders

In this letter, Hubbard stated that "some unsung PR man recognized the fact that the 'general' public was made up of smaller groups." He also wrote these groups had opinion leaders, and that other members of the group accepted the interpretation of the opinion leaders. He wrote that their opinion

will have been pre-formed by the opinion leaders. This makes it look like there is mass public opinion without opinion leaders.

He then cautioned that many "PR people" did not pay enough attention to existence of opinion leaders. In this regard, Hubbard cautioned that not all important people were opinion leaders. He named by way of example "Goodrich," the head of the FDA. He alleged that this person was important in that he had worked for the agency for 32 years, but that his people would disagree with him. "Goodrich" could still be useful, Hubbard wrote, in that he could still "be used to oppose something you wanted popular."

More useful than politicians, Hubbard wrote, were celebrities. Even then, their opinions had to be congruous or else they ran the risk of being rejected. As an example he stated that, in the 1930s, the communists had attempted to use Paul Robeson to further their cause. That failed, according to Hubbard, because Robeson was African-American. An example given by Hubbard of successful PR by the communists was that of Bertrand Russell. Russell's statement "Better red than dead" was a "classic PR caper," according to Hubbard, in that it was "the proper use of a foreign opinion leader by a large group."

Hubbard warned of prejudice towards the views of others, particularly opinion leaders, in obtaining success. Prejudice was a nuisance in that it could cause PR people to ignore opinion leaders, and thus risk losing a chance of getting their idea across.

Ending with that thought, Hubbard then switched back to politicians. Apparently this was to demonstrate that public relations could backfire if improperly used. He wrote

Hiring more and more police and spies for more and more government police agencies, the government is becoming less and less popular. "Patriotism" and "idealism" are now considered dirty words. Why? How did this get this bad? Well, one reason is that government PR is continually recoiling on the government. Either they don't hire good PR men or if they do, they don't take their advice. Or their PR men don't know their subject or aren't permitted to practice it.

Apparently Hubbard felt the cause for bad PR in government was "a violent disregard of the subject of opinion leaders." Rather than use opinion leaders, Hubbard said, the government resorted to using money or force to get itself accepted. Hubbard said once the people in government got what they wanted, they abandoned the opinions of the opinion leaders who put them in power. He wrote

Men like Hitler went so far in reverse in handling this problem as to finally slaughter even their adherents.

The solution to this, Hubbard wrote, was to combine the power of money, force and opinion leaders. That, to his way of thinking, would be a more optimal means to reaching an end. He wrote that the U.S. government was not abiding by that. Instead the government allegedly sent agents after each opinion leader to "hound him, annoy him, discredit him."

This, according to Hubbard was

traceable directly to this fantastic omission in their PR technical expertise. They not only do not seek the favor of opinion leaders, they actively harass and seek to destroy them.

Because of the negative reaction thus supposedly incurred from opinion leaders, the government had no choice but to rely on its money and its force. Hubbard perceived this condition as an obstacle to "survival."

As another example of a group that ignored opinion leaders, Hubbard gave the mass media. The mass media's mistake, stated Hubbard, was that they never bother to find out "who the opinion leaders are." Instead of finding out how the opinion leaders were, wrote Hubbard, newspapers quoted only other newspapers as if they were the opinion leaders. The demise of newspapers was alleged to have begun with "Willy Hearst" with his "1890 yellow journalism and scandal mongering." Hubbard wrote that the newspapers eventually printed scandals about all the important opinion leaders. As a result, opinion leaders supposedly told their followers not to believe the newspapers. This, in turn, would cause the newspaper to fail. As an example Hubbard gave the "London Daily Mail." To sum up,

The good will of the opinion leaders is necessary for survival. Not the good opinion of the masses! Since that cannot be reached.

Hubbard then went back to discussing the government. He stated that there was no difference between the U.S. government of the day and the Okhrana, the secret police in Russia prior to 1917.

Almost amusingly, the US government has taken over the exact operational pattern of the Okhrana. You can hardly get to your desk through the government forms and mobs of spies urging the staff to commit crimes so they can be arrested or holding out bribes to falsify the tax reports. All one has to do is mention the US government in a pop program and he'll have 3 army sergeants from G-2 pushing the band out of the way. That's the way it was in pre-1917 Russia just before the opinion leaders decided NO in one final blood-bath. So as I said earlier in this series PR is dangerous stuff if one doesn't really know it and if one only applies half of it.
Omitting the opinion leader is bad enough. Seeking to destroy him is far far worse.

Hubbard expounded further on "anti-opinion leaders," which he said were formed out of neglect:

As a rule, only that dissident person should be removed who is speaking in your name and on your lines and using your power to do you down. And then he can only be removed off your lines as you are under no obligation to finance or empower your own opposition. That's suicide. He is not an opinion leader but a traitor for he owes his power to you.

Here is a peculiar element of doubt injected by Hubbard into using force:

Perhaps there is no excuse whatever to use force to enforce an opinion.

Hubbard also made a little disclaimer about keeping the peace in favor of what he terms "Survival" (with a capital "S"):

Peace is not necessarily a target of PR. Survival is. And Survival requires some control of opinion. When this becomes control of numbers of people PR is only accomplished through opinion leaders.

Copyright 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

159. OEC Vol 6, item 262
HCO Policy Letter
May 11, 1971
PR Series No. 7
Black PR

In this letter, Hubbard defined "Black Propaganda" as the covert use of public relations to destroy the reputation of a person or group. He wrote that it was an "intelligence technique" and that intelligence followed a different set of rules than normal public relations. To make this point, he wrote

PR IS OVERT. INTELLIGENCE IS COVERT. PR is at its best when it begins and ends overtly. Intelligence is best when it begins and ends covertly.
PR with an open demand by known authors [...] [Intelligence] recoils when the authors are then known.

Black Propaganda was not properly done, according to Hubbard, unless the people who brought about personal disparagement remained unknown. He indicated that in light of this desire to remain secret, Black Propaganda was undone by exposure. The point, apparently, was that when an "enemy" engaged in the Black Propaganda, his agency should then be exposed. Hubbard used this reasoning to explain why his customer would have to perform covert intelligence actions and overt public relations activities. The covert information gathering was to find out the enemy's secrets and the overt distribution of information was to expose the enemy's secrets. In revealing enemy secrets, Hubbard cautioned, it was important to gain the cooperation of the police, otherwise the operation might "recoil."

Hubbard introduced a section on "intelligence" with

By definition Intelligence is covert. Under cover. If it is kept so all the way it is effective. When Intelligence surfaces it becomes very ineffective. Threat and mystery are a lot of the power of intelligence. Publicity blows it.

To demonstrate his point, Hubbard gave examples concerning the Russians and the Germans in the Second World War.

The next section was on "Black Propaganda," which Hubbard stated was "developed by the British and German services in World War I into a fine art." He stated that the "British got the US. into World War I with Black Propaganda, despite a president elected on a peace platform." The problem with Black Propaganda, as Hubbard wrote, was that since it contained lies and half-truths, its originators could be discredited by their own work. Therefore it was important to be able to document one's claims as truth. The reason the enemy's information was allegedly ineffective was that "never at any time did its instigators (a) have any factual adverse data or (b) tell the truth." Because of the heroism and sacrifice of his customers, Hubbard wrote, nobody would believe the propaganda against them. The reason the customer would counter-attack was that they had documented truth, whereas the attackers supposedly did not. This would require "intelligence-like tactics" to discover who the enemy was, or more accurately, what Hubbard termed "a cross between PR and Intelligence."

Referring to the above, Hubbard wrote under a section titled "The Cross"

Anyone engaging in Black Propaganda is either using a wrong way to right a wrong or confessing he can't make it in open competition.

The final section of this letter is called "Protest PR" and stated that protest PR "is a legitimate method of attempting to right wrongs." As an example he gave the "slaves" who were freed in 1864 and who "became a key racial problem full of demonstrations and riots and social unrest."

If "protest PR" did not work, wrote Hubbard, then "subversive actions, general intelligence actions, Black Propaganda and other evils occur." He recommended exercising public relations early and intelligently, but then added that this was "not always possible."

Copyright 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

160. OEC Vol 6, item 263
HCO Policy Letter
May 28, 1971
PR Series No. 8
Too Little Too Late

Hubbard used this two-page letter entirely to make the point that successful public relations work consisted of advance preparation. He also wrote and emphasized this as a rule, as follows:


To clarify this, he also added "poor preparation made too late gives an unsuccessful event." The rest of the letter emphasizes this point in various ways.

Copyright 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

161. OEC Vol 6, item 264
HCO Policy Letter
May 30, 1971
PR Series No. 9

In this letter, Hubbard wrote that good manners are accepted in society, and that bad manners are rejected. For that reason, a public relations team would have to be familiar with whatever was publicly considered to be good manners. He wrote that the essence of good manners was to make the other person feel important. To illustrate by contrast, he wrote

Arrogance and Force may win dominion and control but will never win acceptance and respect.

The reason the Nazis could not dominate the world, wrote Hubbard, was that "[t]hey just don't have good manners." To clarify this, he wrote that they did not know how to make others feel important and they did not have the Scientology understanding of communication. He explained that the Scientology understanding of communication included learning "good manners."

In regard to making people feel important, Hubbard wrote that flattery "is not very useful" because it made people suspicious. Acknowledging people's existence was said to be the way to show them that they were important. In regard to communication, Hubbard wrote that first the people with whom one was communicating had to agree on which procedure would be used to communicate. As an example of how not to communicate, he gave advertisers who blared out their message with no regard for whether anyone was listening to them or not. Hubbard stressed that PR had to succeed.

Copyright 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

162. OEC Vol 6, item 265
HCO Policy Letter
June 2, 1971
PR Series No. 10
Breakthrough, PR and Production, Tone Scale Surveys
The Laws of PR

The foremost problem to production, wrote Hubbard, was "human emotion and reaction." Relating this to public relations, he wrote


In order to measure this, the PR practitioner was urged to get a reaction by means of a survey. In this way the surveys could be studied and the reactions handled. In order to get a reaction, the people being interviewed were to be gotten involved in the subject, and thus their emotions had to be addressed. Emotions would be different for various types of publics. Hubbard described his procedures as follows:

But these are the basic concepts of the science of PR. It covers the field of manipulation of human emotion.

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

163. OEC Vol 6, item 266
HCO Policy Letter
June 15, 1972
PR Series No. 11
PR Area Control, Three Grades of PR

The content of this letter in its entirety are extracted from L. Ron Hubbard's "conference notes" as follows:

These are the three grades of PR:

by CS-6
for L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1972
by L. Ron Hubbard

Researcher's note: item in OEC Vol 6 skipped in numbering
Sea Organization Flag Order 3094
December 16, 1971
PRO Area Control

In this Hubbard stated that PR was a technology.

164. OEC Vol 6, item 267
HCO Policy Letter
October 5, 1971
PR Series No. 12
Propaganda by Redefinition of Words

This is a special web version which is slightly edited so that

This letter has been previously published in its entirety in "Die Scientology-Sekte und ihre Tarnorganisationen" by Ingo Heinemann, published by Aktion Bildungsinformation e.V., Stuttgart, Germany in 1979.

A long term propaganda technique used by socialists (Communists and Nazis alike) is of interest to PR practitioners. I know of no place it is mentioned in PR literature. But the data had verbal circulation in intelligence circles and is in constant current use.


A prime example is the word CAPITALIST. Once it meant "one who makes his income from the interest of loaning money to others". That is still the definition in economics. Through propaganda redefinition a capitalist became a person of wealth who invested in business (making him an owner, not a banker) and currently is someone who exploits others, urges war and stamps on workers! In short the word is changing in meaning by the efforts of those who are trying to own everything in the country under the guise of being the workers' friend. Totalitarian socialism must eradicate the private owner in order to grab the property for themselves. Hence, an intense concentration on redefining the word "Capitalist" and "Capitalism".

Many instances of this exist. They are not "natural" changes in language. They are propaganda changes, carefully planned and campaigned in order to obtain a public opinion advantage for the group doing the propaganda.

Given enough repetition of the redefinition public opinion can be altered by altering the meaning of a word.

This is a special web version which is slightly edited so that

"Psychiatry" and "psychiatrist" are easily redefined to mean "an anti-social enemy of the people". This takes the kill crazy psychiatrist off the preferred list of professions. This is a good use of the technique as for a century the psychiatrist has been setting an all time record for inhumanity to man.

The redefinition of words is done by associating different emotions and symbols with the word than were intended.

The American Medical Association and the National Association for Mental Health in England and South Africa and the "British Psychological Association" in Australia have been working very hard to redefine Scientology in the public mind.

Two things occur because of this-the Scientologists are redefining "doctor", psychiatry" and "psychology" to mean "undesirable anti-social elements" and are trying to stabilize the actual meaning of "Scientology".

The AMA has even gotten US dictionaries to redefine "Dianetics" as a pseudo-science from Science Fiction".

Fortunately the public does not respect and is not responding to Mass news media. Mass news media believes it steers public opinion, but in actual fact can get a reverse effect.

"The capitalistic AMA is seeking to deny the people the benefits of new discoveries such as Scientology because it would eradicate the great profits the AMA makes from the psychosomatic illnesses of the people," would be a statement reversing the reversal of meaning. One has to find, pinpoint and denounce the propagandists to make headway against such an effort of redefinition. One brands the propagandist and blows the effort to redefine, using a steady standard PR campaign to do so.

One can also use redefinition by exposing the effort to redefine.

A case in point is the word "Psychology".

Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language-1829 defines "Psychology: A discourse or treatise on the human soul; the doctrine of the nature and properties of the soul."

Webster's High School Dictionary-1892 "Psychology: The powers and function of the soul."

Merriam Webster's 3rd International Dictionary-1961 "Psychology: the science of mind or mental phenomena or activities; the study of the biological organism (as man) and the physical and social environment."

Somewhere along the way, Man lost his soul!

We pinpoint when and we find Professor Wundt, 1879, being urged by Bismarck at the period of Germany's greatest militarism, trying to get a philosophy that will get his soldiers to kill men. And we find Hegel, the "great" German philosopher, the idol of super-socialists, stressing that WAR is VITAL to the mental health of people.

Out of this we can redefine modern psychology as a German military system used to condition men for war and subsidized in American and other universities at the time the government was having trouble with the draft. A reasonable discourse on why "they" had to push psychology would of course be a way of redefining an already redefined word, "Psychology".

The way to redefine a word is to get the new definition repeated as often as possible.

Thus it is necessary to redefine medicine, psychiatry and psychology downward and define Dianetics and Scientology upwards.

This, so far as words are concerned, is the public opinion battle for belief in your definitions, and not those of the opposition.

A consistent, repeated effort is the key to any success with this technique of propaganda.

One must know how to do it.


Copyright (c) 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

165. OEC Vol 6, item 268
HCO Policy Letter
December 5, 1971
PR Series No. 13
How to do a PR Survey

In this letter for Hubbard, his public relations officer (PRO) stated the purpose of a survey, which he described in public relations as follows

The word "survey" as used in Public Relations terminology means to carefully examine public opinion with regard to an idea, a product, an aspect of life, or any other subject. By examining in detail (person to person surveying) one can arrive at a whole view of public opinion on a subject by tabulating highest percentage of popular response.

So that "100% successful results can be obtained every time," he outlined the importance of the survey procedure and of the attitude assumed by the people conducting the survey. After the survey questions have been formulated, typed on a paper and duplicated, Hubbard's PRO instructed "you simply walk up to a person and in a friendly manner introduce yourself (if a stranger) and ask to survey them." If the person asked for further explanation, it was to be given. The next step was to "Ask the person the first question, flip back the question page and take down the answer." He cautioned that the answers to the questions should be numbered identically to the corresponding questions. Once the questions were answered, the person being surveyed was to be thanked.

Once the survey was completed, the answers were to be tabulated and grouped by similarity. These categories were then to be summed up and expressed as a percentage, for which Hubbard gave mathematical examples. The percentages were then to be presented in order from highest to lowest. Hubbard's PRO expressed the simplicity of the procedure by stating

The only mistake you can make is not to realize the similarity of answers and so have a great diversity of categories.

The next section of the letter was devoted to the attitude of the person doing the survey. In this regard, he wrote it was important to be clean, to dress acceptably, to have a sincere smile and, especially, to be natural. He said the surveyor's action was to "reach out to complete strangers and get them interested in themselves enough to let you know where their Reality is at so you can help them." This action, he wrote, would be "completely natural" for them as they were following the Scientology system

In addition, the PRO listed ten things a surveyor should not do. These included instructions such as not to be too backward or too forward. To set off by contrast the simplicity of his instructions, he stated that traditional public relations interviewers needed "years of training." In conclusion he wrote

The miracles of Survey results are easily attainable and valuable. But don't be surprised if other people still think you're a genius.

LRH Personal PRO
Copyright 1971
by L. Ron Hubbard

166. OEC Vol 6, item 269
HCO Policy Letter
January 7, 1972
PR Series No. 14
Creating Survey Questions

In this letter Hubbard's public relations officer (PRO) gives thirteen example and cites Hubbard himself in an effort to impart information about surveys. The letter begins with

The purpose of this policy letter is to fully document how survey questions, to evoke human emotion and reaction, are derived.

The purpose of evoking "human emotion and reaction," the author continues after the examples, is to "obtain involvement." The question of "Do automobiles exist?", for instance, became "Do you like automobiles?" for the purpose of getting the person being questioned involved. In conclusion, the author wrote

Gone are the days of hit-and-miss promo, and by-guess-or-by-God public events. We now have the know-how to hit the exact target every time. We now have, thanks to Ron, another beautiful tool for UNDERSTANDING.

Data compiled by
LRH Personal PRO
Notes, lectures, books,
policy, bulletins, tapes
and guidance
Copyright 1972
by L. Ron Hubbard

167. OEC Vol 6, item 270
HCO Policy Letter
January 25, 1972
PR Series No. 15
Population Surveys

This letter opens up with

Division 6 specializes in human emotion and reaction-handling it, capturing and controlling it.

In order to accomplish the above, one had to


The letter then emphasizes the points of surveys previously made. In addition it states that subsequent to the survey, the services offered should correspond to what the public wants.

In other words survey shows people want foo-foos. You match up service that will give foo-foos, tell the public we do foo-foos and promote and sell and deliver foo-foos!

L. Ron Hubbard
Copyright 1972
by L. Ron Hubbard

168. OEC Vol 6, item 281
HCO Policy Letter
June 30, 1965

In this letter, Hubbard gave a model advertisement as follows


We can give you

1. A Higher IQ to handle your problems.
2. Higher awareness to get a better job.
3. More energy to make more money.
4. Better health to breast Life.
5. Better morale to handle upsets.
6. Less Despair.
7. More Life.
8. More years to Live.

Copyright 1965
by L. Ron Hubbard

Brought to you by:
Operation Clambake