Additional on Zegel # 1
[06 Oct 1997]

Here is what I know of Herbie, a tall thin man on the older side (compared to the rest of us), the head of the Guardians Office Finance Bureau in the 1970's.

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From: Anonymous <nobody@REPLAY.COM>
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Subject: Additional on Zegel # 1
Date: 6 Oct 1997 15:00:02 -0400
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[ Son of Xenu ] (Somebody's got to look afer Pop)
[ Mountain Interior ]
[ Las Palmas ] 5 Oct 97
[ Teegeeack ]

Personal Verification of Zegel Tape 1

On the first Zegel tape, he mentions Herbie Parkhouse as the
mastermind behind Religious Research Foundation and bank accounts
set up in Luxembourg. He just says that he is well known in Church
history, but gives no details. Here is what I know of Herbie, a tall
thin man on the older side (compared to the rest of us), the head of the
Guardians Office Finance Bureau in the 1970's.

I was told that Herbie came to Saint Hill in the 60's when Hubbard
was there and knew Hubbard well. I can believe that because Herbie had
somewhat of a reputation for his ability to chew people up and spit them
out in little pieces. I can personally vouch for the fact that he was
well versed in the Hubbard school of management by screaming because I
have personally witnessed one of his yell fests. Even innocent
by-standers turned pale from the fury of it.

Herbie was also well known for the fact that he worked on OT III
for years. I always wondered about that at the time. Now I know that it
was all those body thetans he had, and they must have been some real

The Guardian's Office was initially set up at Saint Hill Manor
in England in the late 60's when Hubbard formed up the Sea Org. At the
time, Saint Hill was the international base of operations for Scientology
and the Guardian's Office was set up to remain behind and keep up the
management of Scientology's worldwide operations as well as performing
the more covert operations of dealing with Scientology's enemies. The
Sea Org maintained a presence at Saint Hill even after Hubbard and the
ships set sail. They ran the Advanced Org (teaching Clearing and OT
Levels), handled communications via telex internationally(FOLO), and ran
the Saint Hill org. However, their presence was dwarfed by the Guardian's
Office which occupied the Manor house (largest building on the estate).

It was the Guardian's Office WW (WorldWide) that performed the
direct financial oversight of Orgs all over the world (Flag primarily
dealt with the orgs directly on non-financial matters). There was also
a small Mission Office WW (Franchise Off. WW before the franchises became
more religious for tax purposes) that was run seperately from GO (under
Diana Hubbard as head of the Distribution Div. - Div VI on 7 division
org board). (Someday I'll tell you about their struggles with the GO)

Herbie Parkhouse as head of the Finance Bureau was equivalent
in rank to Mo Budlong (head of the infamous Bureau 1 who went to prison),
and just under Jane Kember (Guardian WW) who is directly responsible to
Mary Sue Hubbard (The Guardian) (who both went to prison). 10% of the
training and auditing gross income passed from the orgs via the Guardian's
network into bank accounts they managed (in Luxembourg and elsewhere). 10%
also came from the missions via MOWW into GOWW. The Guardian's Office was
also resposible for getting people to/from Flag ships and for getting
foreign nationals into England (since this was banned in the 1970's).
There was certainly no secret about the fact that Saint Hill was staffed
primarily with foreign nationals and all these people (myself included) got
instructions from the Guardian's Office on how to lie to the Home Office
(Immigration) and police officials in order to remain in the country and
avoid deportation. They also briefed people going to/from the Flag ships
on what "shore stories" (lies) to tell people about what they were doing
and what they could and could not talk about. In other words they were
responsible for security (which was not an invisible function).

The rest of the story is in Zegel's account which tells of the
financial dealings of Flag and the Guardian Office's role in transfering
funds internationally.


Remember: The issue is NOT RELIGION, it is CRIME!