Operation Clambake presents:

The H-Files

FBI files on L Ron Hubbard


February 30, 1953

Mr. Glavis

H.L. Edwards




The Investigative Division has referred information which was received from the Philadelphia Office on 1-19-53 that [BLACKED OUT SEVERAL LINES] with two Marshals while they were attempting to serve a bench warrant on L. Ron Hubbard while Hubbard was lecturing in a building [BLACKED OUT LINE] of the Association of Scientologists of which Hubbard is the founder. [BLACKED OUT TWO LINES] Bureau files were negative on the Association of Scientologists; however, they were replete with information concerning one Lafayette Ron Hubbard, who appears to be identical with the individual arrested by the U.S. Marshals [BLACKED OUT] Information in Bureau files reveals that Hubbard had been director of several organizations interested in Dianetics (mental Health) and the preservation of science, culture and the people in the event of atomic war. He has been described as having "delusions of grandeur," and one newspaper item of divorce action quoted his wife as saying he was hopelessly "insane." Allegations have been made that organizations he was affiliated with were of particular interest to perverts, hypochondriacs and curiosity seekers. In 1951 the State of New Jersey reported it had a case against him for teaching medicine without a license and in 1952 the Post Office was investigating him for mail fraud. [REMAINDER OF PAGE BLACKED OUT]

CC: SOG - Philadelphia Field Office file
SOG - Milwaukee Field Office file
SOG - New York Office file



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The Investigative Division has referred information which it received from the Philadelphia Office on January 19, 1953, that [SEVERAL LINES BLACKED OUT] .S. Marshals on 12-16-53 when they were attempting to execute a bench warrant on one L. Ron Hubbard, who was lecturing in a building [TWO LINES BLACKED OUT] for the Association of Scientologists of which Hubbard is the founder. [SEVERAL LINES BLACKED OUT] Hubbard, who is a noted writer of scientology who came from England to the United States [BLACKED OUT] and for the purpose of lecturing to an Association of Scientologists composed chiefly of professors and members of the engineering profession.


Bureau files were negative on the Association of Scientologists; however, they were replete with information concerning one Lafayette Ron Hubbard, who appears to be identical with the individual arrested by the Marshals [BLACKED OUT] One main file reflects that Hubbard directed the Allied Scientists of the World and was the sponsor of the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation of Wichita, Kansas, which organization had been adjudged bankrupt. The Allied Scientists of the World was investigated by the Bureau during 1952 as an internal security matter and a closing report was submitted on April 7, 1952. Among the many purposes of this organization was the goal of furnishing maximal protection to the people and culture of various countries against the threat of atomic war. Another goal was the establishment of a means of collecting and safeguarding existing scientific technology against destruction. This organization was

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under investigation by the post office in 1952 for possible violation of mail fraud statutes. Hubbard was reported to have "delusions of grandeur." The purpose of the Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation, Inc. was allegedly to teach the practice of dianetics which was a new approach to the treatment of physical and mental illnesses without the use of drugs or medicine. Hubbard was also reported as the subject of alleged kidnaping [sic] violation of his wife and daughter in Los Angeles, California, during 1951 in connection with a family dispute. Prosecution was declined by the U.S. Attorney and no investigation was conducted in connection with this matter; a newspaper item reflected that Mrs. Hubbard in filing suit for divorce indicated that her husband was "hopelessly insane." Hubbard has contacted the Bureau on several occasions to make complaints concerning the staff of his organization and his wife. Some of these complaints concerned Communist allegations against individuals rather than the organization. Allegations have been made that his Dianetics Research Foundation was of particular interest to sexual perverts, hypochondriacs and curiosity seekers. In 1951 the State of New Jersey advised it had a case against Hubbard for conducting a school teaching medicine and surgery without a license (7-6000, 100-354196, 62-95972)



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Operation Clambake