May 5, 1958
Your letter dated April 24, 1958, with enclosure, has been
received. While I would like to be of service, I must advise that
this Bureau has never investigated the "Hubbard Association of
Scientologists, International, and I am unable to be of assistance
to you.
Sincerely yours,
[stamp] J. Edgar Hoover
John Edgar Hoover
NOTE: Correspondent not identifiable in Bufiles. Self-addressed
stamped envelope being utilized in reply. We have not investigated
the association named in this letter but Bufiles contain voluminous
data regarding it and its founder L. Ron. Hubbard. Hubbard is
[BLACKED OUT] He has corresponded with this Bureau on several
occasions and we have been most circumspect in our dealings with
him. His association allegedly has discovered dianetics, a means of
treating psychosomatic ills, which Hubbard described as a discovery
comparable to man's discovery of fire. (62-94080)