february 21, 1970
Counter-Intelligence Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sirs:
I would like to add, though this may not be a matter for the
Counter-Intelligence Division, that I think you ought to have a file on
the organization which I mention on the second page of the letter, the
Scientology outfit with headquarters at East Grinstead, Sussex, England,
led and inspired by that arch-crank L. Ron Hubbard. They are not just
another harmless oddball pseudo-scientific cult, but are really a
dangerous and I think rather sinister enterprise. They have been in
trouble with the British authorities more than once as a danger to public
The man I met from the organization, [BLACKED OUT] something, was a faggot
of the most dangerous type (as I now know, having learned a good deal
about faggots in the three years since I was introduced to him - they do
not all prance around like girls you know and some of them have the most
formidable and persistent wills I have ever encountered). Besides he was
a Nazi. He claimed to be Australian, but his German accent was as thick
as his German manner. Whether he had actually belonged to the party I
don't know - he was about forty I would guess and may not have been old
enough. His father may have been a member. In any case, Walther came on
with exactly the manner of an SS interrogation officer, and this in an
interview in which he was supposed to be explaining Scientology, an
approach to mental problems which I thought at the time might have some
merit, and which I now think is at least a nuisance if not actually a
I'm inclined to think that it's a menace, or at least enough of a
possibility of one that you wought [sic] to have a file on it. I'm
betting that it's an organization full of fascist queers. Certainly
[BLACKED OUT] is one. And so also is my former friend, the subject of the
attached letter. Usually he kept his political views well hidden from me,
but that last night, when he thought he had me, he got expansive, and let
me know about a few of the measures which are needed to help a "dying"
America. Artificial emergencies was one, camps another. I kept thinking
of all those artificial emergencies in Europe in the thirties, like the
one centering around Munich, and all those nice camps the Germans set up
around that time. Anyway, I think you should have an eye on those guys.
Never liked the F.B.I. as much as I do now. It's good to know there's
someone I can write a letter like this to.
Yours sincerely,