May 16, 1974
1 - Mr. Franck -
Atten: Mr. Heim
1 - Mr. Mintz
Mr. C.B.B. Parselle
The Church of Scientology
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead
Sussex, England RH19 4JY
Dear Mr. Parselle:
I have received your letter of May 3rd, with enclosure.
In response to your request, it is my recollection that the observations I
made when interviewed by representatives of the British Broadcasting
Company in October, 1973, were similar in nature to observations and
statements I recently made when interviewed on the "Today" program on NBC
Television in April of this year.
At that time, in response to a question which was asked with regard to the
feasibility of allowing a citizen to inspect his FBI file, I replied that,
although it would be difficult, we would try to accomodate the public if
possible. We have previously studied the feasibility of allowing citizens
to review files we might have which refer to them, and have reexamined
this problem, in light of my remarks. None of our efforts has provided a
ready solution. The files of the FBI contain information received from
many sources, including date obtained from or voluntarily furnished by the
general public, with the expressed or implied understanding that their
identities will be protected. Because of the nature of our files, it
would be impossible to allow unofficial access to FBI files while at the
same time honoring our pledge to protect the identities of contributors of
information. Under current policy, however, we welcome submission of
supplemental data which could make our files more complete and accurate.
1 - The Deputy Attorney General - Enclosures (2)
1 - Bufile 62-115530 (FOI-REPLIES)
[illegible initials]:law (6)
[page 2]
Mr. C.B.B. Parselle
Also, although I noted that you requested your letter not be filed, it is
a long-standing policy of this Bureau that exchanges of correspondence of
an official nature are made a matter of record in our files.
Sincerely yours,
[stamped] C.M. Kelley
Clarence M. Kelley
NOTE: Our files reveal no information identifiable with correspondent or
Lorraine Anne Coventry. A check with the Research Section of the External
Affairs Division, determined that the statements furnished by Coventry are
essentially what Mr. Kelley said. However, since the cover letter is on
the stationery of the Church of Scientology, it is felt that we should not
completely affirm the fact that the statements are essentially the same.
The reason being that we have currently in the house at least five
requests for information from our files concerning the Church of
Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. This appears to be an
attempt to have the Bureau put itself in the position of affirming
Coventry's statements and then having them come back in an effort to force
disclosure of data in our files concerning Hubbard and this organization.
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