Operation Clambake presents:

The H Files

FBI files on L Ron Hubbard



July 28, 1959

Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Hoover:

I am writing you pertaining to an organization called the "Hubbard Foundation", which organization is supposed to practice scientology. I am most anxious to know just as soon as possible whether or not your department has ever investigated this Foundation.

I am sure that this organization is not what it is supposed to be; that they do not teach scientology, but communism.

Perhaps you have heard by this time that my husband, [BLACKED OUT] who has worked with your department for years on subversive activities, having been on the [BLACKED OUT] for about twenty-four years, passed away suddenly on July 12th of a heart attack.

Our son, who is thirty-two and who has been living in [BLACKED OUT] Arizona for the past seven years, moved to northern California just about two weeks before his father passed away. From conversations which I have had with him since he has been here, and from the completely changed attitudes which he now has, I am sure he has been taken in by this organization. In fact, he has been indoctrinated, at least to a great extent, but just how far, I am not quite sure. I have talked to him two or three times on the subject, but of course, I am only his mother, and consequently got nowhere.

Mr. Hoover, I am sick at heart and frantic with worry. I can take the shock of his father's passing, but

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Mr. J. Edgar Hoover
Pge. 2.

this thing that has happened to our son, an only child, is far worse.

Do you have an F.B.I. man near hear who could call and see me in the very near future? It may not be too late to have the right person talk to him in the proper way to make him see what has happened. He has always been extremely sensitive and strong willed. But he has always been a good boy, and has never given us the slightest amount of trouble.

He is in San Francisco for a few days looking for a job in traffic engineering, and will be back the latter part of the week. Just how long he will be here after that I do not know.

I am also afraid that he is being influence by a so-called friend, who lives in Oakland, near San Francisco, and who may have influenced him to find work in or near San Francisco. I am also fearful and worried about the friend taking up where they left off in [BLACKED OUT] I have the name and address of the friend, and my brother-in-law is going to have him checked at that end.

Any help that you could give me will be gratefully accepted. I need help so badly.

Would you please give me an immediate reply to this letter?

Thanking you so much in advance, I am

Very Sincerely,



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Operation Clambake