[handwritten letter, undated, probably circa Sept 24 1961, badly
To the F.B.I. in Washington D.C.
Dear Sirs - I am a widow and not well; + I have a 21 year old
nephew in Detroit, Mich. He is out of High School + now he is
thinking of taking some kind of an 8 weeks course of study in
Washington D.C. - The tuition is $600 - This, so called training
center, is at 1812 - 19th St. N.W. Zone #9. - I fear it is not a
place where he will get anything help him earn a liveing [sic] - I
do feel it may be a Spiritualist center. - I fear it may not even
be a school that is really leagal. [sic] - It is run by a Mr L. Don
[sic] Hubbard. - He call his self a Engineer + a Philosopher. - I
am not sure what sort of a place it is or if it is really a school,
or if it is just a fraud. - He claims there [sic] study is Scio -
"Knowing in the full sence [sic], esp., logos - study. I think the
word logos in the Hebrew is the same word as Spirit in English. I
therefore fear it may be a school to train mediums, or some thing
on that order.
[page 2]
[top line may be cut off]
out if this school is really O.K., - or if it is just a bad
hold-up, to your [illegible word] of this nation? - I do not feel
he would get any thing out of that course, that would help him to
make a living in a leagel [sic] way - I would like to have your
[illegible word] this school, if I can have it. - I told him I
though [sic] as he was one of the 10 best in his class at High
School in Detroit; when he finished, over two years ago, - that if
he was in the U.S.A. army, he would be able to get free collage
[sic]; of the very best kind. Was that not good advise [sic] - H is
working He is bright I don't do no want him to make an awful bad
mistake. - So I would be so glad to find out if this school which
is called the academy of Scientolgy [sic] Dose [sic] this school
carry any credits, that are worth the name, with other good State
Universities of the nation. - Is it even a leagel [sic] school? He
said the [illegible word], + all w[?] come to $1200 for the
[illegible word] It seems outrageous to me. - May I please hear
from you soon. Yours very truly [SIGNATURE BLACKED OUT]