Operation Clambake presents:

The H Files

FBI files on L Ron Hubbard




TO : Mr. DeLoach

DATE: 9-7-62

FROM : M.A. Jones


On July [hand-corrected to Aug.] 13, 1962, [BLACKED OUT] visited the Bureau and advised of dealings he has had with representatives of the Founding Church of Scientology and the Hubbard Guidance Center, Washington, D.C. He informed that his son, [BLACKED OUT] after he became engrossed in the theories of this organization which he described as of "crackpot quality." He felt that the Hubbard group was taking [BLACKED OUT] for all he had and he was trying to get his son back on the right track. He asked if this group was subversive in nature and whether or not the FBI could assist him. He was informed that the Bureau could make no evaluation or draw a conclusion concerning this organization.

Bufiles reflect that the head of this group, L. Ron Hubbard, has prompted numerous inquiries of the Bureau regarding his legitimacy. His theory of "scientology" consists of the claim that it is a science which instills confidence and assistance to individuals in removing mental problems. Hubbard was described by his wife as being "hopelessly insane" when she sued him for divorce.

[BLACKED OUT] has now forwarded [BLACKED OUT] copies of a general letter [inserted] dated 9-4-62 which appears to have been forwarded to numerous other individuals, enclosing copies of correspondence he received from a representative of this group, together with certain other documents regarding the substance of his letter. In it he repeats the story he gave [BLACKED OUT] during his visit and refers to a machine sold by this group known as an "E-meter." In his letter he said the subjects "pay" $22 an hour for the chance of confessing all to a person who asks questions of the subjects while electrodes leading to the E-meter are positioned on the subject. As in a lie-detector, an electric current is passed through the subject while the confession is being made. The operator or "auditor" is someone who has taken some courses provided by the scientology people. These meters are sold to the operators, graduates of the scientology school, for prices ranging from $100 to $125. [BLACKED OUT]

1 - Mr. Conrad
1 - Mr. Rosen

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Jones to Mr. DeLoach memo

[BLACKED OUT] was urging [BLACKED OUT] to take action to suppress the sale and distribution of the "E-meter," which appears to be required by practitioners of scientology. He said that his son [BLACKED OUT] has just received one of these "E-meters" even though they must have been smuggled into the United States. He indicated that this action would strike at the vital core of the "religion." [BLACKED OUT] also forwarded a copy of a paper submitted to the National Aeronautical Engineers Conference in 1960 by a [BLACKED OUT] which, [BLACKED OUT] says, reflects that research shows introduction of electronic current into the human body for hours at a time should be held to be potentially dangerous.

No reply to [BLACKED OUT] will be forwarded since his communication [?]s a copy and he was informed during his initial visit that this situation is not within the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


For Information. Enclosures he forwarded will be retained in Crime Records for 90 days and then destroyed.

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Operation Clambake