Mar. 3, 1951
Attn: R.J.Wilson.
Supplementing data already furnished to you, the following two names are
enclosed as part of the list.
DAVE VROOMAN. Came into organization with Miles Hollister. Highly
recommended by Hollister, who is apparently a member of the Young
Communists. Vrooman has caused some trouble in the organization. The
only reason to suspect Vrooman is that he is an intimate friend of
Hollister's and takes Hollister's orders. Vrooman is employed by the
Chicago Foundation Office. He is about twenty-three, plump, about 5'5" or
more, black hair. Seldom wears a coat.
ROSS LAMEREAUX. Employee at Chicago. A doctor of philosophy, according
to his statement. Takes orders from Hollister and is highly recommended
by Hollister. Nothing else is known about this man.
If anything is going to be done about these people at Chicago, it had
better be done soon. At the board of trustees meeting last Saturday, I
requested a motion to the effect that eveyone in the Foundation be
required to take a strong loyalty oath to the U.S. and that the
fingerprints of everyone employed be taken and, with a copy of the oath,
be sent to the F.B.I.. Some objection was made by Richard Halpern, a
trustee from New York City, and a great deal of objection was made by Leo
West of Chicago. It is my belief that we are going to see a blow-up in
the Chicago office and an attempt to withdraw from the Foundation.
Evidently employment of C.P. members could have been an action of West.
The oath and fingerprint motion was passed and will be a completed project
L. Ron Hubbard