L10 Flow 0 List
(Where appropriate ask "Did you intend that?)
Name: _________________________
Date: _________________________
01. Have you been too hard on yourself? _______
02. Have you been mean to yourself? _______
03. Have you made yourself suffer? _______
04. Do you think that it is better to suffer? _______
05. Have you harmed yourself? _______
06. Have you made yourself feel hopeless? _______
07. Have you ever let yourself down? _______
08. Have you exposed yourself to ridicule? _______
09. Have you made your life hell? _______
10. Have you felt that you should stay upset about something? _______
11. Do you feel that you are undeserving? _______
12. Have you restrained yourself? _______
13. Have you made yourself feel guilty? _______
14. Have you worried yourself? _______
15. Have you made yourself worry about things? _______
16. Have you not permitted yourself to enjoy something? _______
17. Have you tried not to want something too much? _______
18. Have you tried not to let yourself have things you wanted? _______
19. Have you tried not to want things? _______
20. Have you limited your goals? _______
21. Is there anything that you have not allowed yourself to have? _______
22. Have you held yourself back from doing something that you wanted to do? _______
23. Is there anything that you have prevented yourself from being? _______
24. Do you feel that you are stopping yourself in any way? _______
25. Have you cautioned yourself? _______
26. Have you put yourself last? _______
27. Have you made anyone else wrong for taking care of themself? _______
28. Have you made anyone else wrong for having things? _______
29. Have you inhibited yourself? _______
30. Have you invalidated yourself? _______
31. Do you ever make less of yourself to others? _______
32. Do you ever make less of yourself to yourself? _______
33. Do you feel that you are unimportant? _______
34. Have you put others or the group before your own interests? _______
35. Have you agreed with someone who was critical of you? _______
36. Have you felt that you were nothing? _______
37. Have you made yourself overly important? _______
38. Have you been arrogant? _______
39. Have you been selfish? _______
40. Have you been lazy? _______
41. Have you neglected others' best interests? _______
42. Have you ever hated yourself? _______
43. Have you ever despised yourself? _______
44. Have you ever been greedy? _______
45. Have you ever tried to grab everything for yourself? _______
46. Have you exaggerated your own importance? _______
47. Have you felt that you had too many possessions? _______
48. Have you felt that you had too much money? _______
49. Have you felt that you took too much of something for yourself? _______
50. Have you been told or taught that you shouldn't watch out for your own interests? _______
51. Have you been told or taught that you shouldn't watch out for others' interests? _______
52. Do you feel that you are holding yourself back? _______
53. Have you ever really wanted to be like someone else? _______
54. Have you idolized anyone? _______
55. Have you tried to model your life after someone else? _______
56. Have you felt that someone else was far more important than you? _______
57. Have you felt that you stressed your own importance too much? _______
58. Have you punished yourself for doing wrong? _______
59. Have you tried to be humble? _______
60. Have you neglected your health? _______
61. Have you neglected your own happiness? _______
62. Have you tried to abstain from pleasure? _______
63. Have you tried not to enjoy yourself too much? _______
64. Have you tried to dampen your own enthusiasm about something? _______
65. Have you damaged your body? _______
66. Have you inflicted pain on yourself? _______
67. Have you tried to hypnotize yourself? _______
68. Have you implanted yourself? _______
69. Have you tried to destroy your mind? _______
70. Have you tried to destroy your memory? _______
71. Have you tried to wipe out your personality? _______
72. Have you tried to force a different beingness on yourself? _______
73. Have you tried to change your ways? _______
74. Have you tried to change your personality? _______
75. Are there things that you don't like about yourself? _______
76. Is there some way in which you have made yourself miserable? _______
77. Do you have any doubts about yourself? _______
78. Do you lack confidence in yourself? _______
79. Have you tried to extinguish yourself? _______
80. Have you felt that the world or others would be better off without you? _______
81. Have you decided to leave so that you wouldn't cause any more harm? _______
82. Have you become addicted to drugs or alcohol? _______
83. Have you made nothing of yourself? _______
84. Have you blamed yourself for another's faults? _______
85. Have you tried to take responsibility for things you didn't cause? _______
86. Have you taken the credit for others' actions? _______
87. Have you failed to stand up for your own rights? _______
88. Have you worked yourself too hard? _______
89. Have you let yourself be lazy? _______
90. Have you let others get away with taking advantage of you? _______
91. Have you agreed to things you didn't want? _______
92. Have you agreed to something that was to your own detriment? _______
93. Have you agreed that you were no good? _______
94. Have you agreed that you were harmful or evil? _______
95. Have you invalidated your own opinions? _______
96. Have you invalidated your own knowingness? _______
97. Have you invalidated your own beingness? _______
98. Have you invalidated the success of your actions? _______
99. Have you invalidated your ability to be able to do things? _______
100. Have you permitted someone else to dominate you? _______
101. Have you forced yourself to do something against your will? _______
102. Have you forced yourself to do something against your own better judgement? _______
103. Have you ever made yourself feel bitter? _______
104. Have you ever made yourself regret something that you did? _______
105. Have you ever made yourself confess to things you didn't do? _______
106. Have you felt that you must be really evil? _______
107. Have you postulated something bad would happen to you? _______
108. Have you ever mocked up a bad future for yourself? _______
109. Have you allowed somebody else to adversely affect your opinions of yourself? _______
110. Have you agreed to try to change your ways? _______
111. Have you agreed to something harmful? _______
112. Have you agreed that you should limit yourself? _______
113. Have you agreed that you should have a bank? _______
114. Have you agreed that you shouldn't be mobile? _______
115. Have you agreed that you shouldn't know too much? _______
116. Have you agreed that you shouldn't remember? _______
117. Have you agreed that you shouldn't form habits? _______
118. Have you agreed that you should have a stimulus-response mind? _______
119. Have you agreed that you should learn by experience? _______
120. Have you agreed that you should be punished for your misdeeds? _______
121. Have you agreed that you shouldn't create something? _______
122. Have you agreed that you should create something? _______
123. Have you agreed that you shouldn't change your mind? _______
124. Have you agreed that you shouldn't change your agreements? _______
125. How do you feel about yourself? _______
126. How would you like to be? _______
127. Tell me some things that you would like to do. _______
128. Tell me some things that you would like to have. _______
129. Is there something that you would like to postulate for your future? _______
130. Is there any reason that you shouldn't be free? _______
131. How do your ideas about yourself compare to what they were? _______