After each answer ask the question: "What were the consequences of that?"
Name: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________
01. Have you ever felt helpless? ________
02. Have you ever felt there was nothing you could do about something? ________
03. Have things seemed too overwhelming to handle? ________
04. Has it seemed that there was so much that needed to be done that there was no
point in doing anything? ________
05. Do you procrastinate? ________
06. Have you ever had to stand by and watch another suffer? ________
07. Do you know anybody who was weak and helpless? ________
08. Do you know anybody who was at total effect? ________
09. Have you ever felt that you were a failure? ________
10. Has your life ever seemed hopeless? ________
11. Have you ever contemplated suicide? ________
12. Have you ever felt that death or suicide was the only solution? ________
13. Have you ever felt that you just didn't know what was the right thing to do? ________
14. Do you wish things were different? ________
15. Are you afraid to make any changes? ________
16. Have you ever worried about others making changes? ________
17. Have you ever felt there was just no way to turn? ________
18. Have you ever felt totally exhausted? ________
19. Do things seem tiring? Have they ever? ________
20. Have you ever yearned for the past? ________
21. Have you ever felt homesick? ________
22. Are there some things that you have regretted? ________
23. Is there anything that others do that you wouldn't dream of doing? ________
24. Tell me some bad things that you haven't done. ________
25. Was there a time when restraining yourself from action was correct? ________
26. Do others cause needless upset and suffering? ________
27. Have you ever felt that there was so much suffering and misery in the world that
you shouldn't contribute more to it? ________
28. Have you had to watch another committing overts? ________
29. Have you cautioned others? ________
30. Have you ever put off doing something that you felt you really shouldn't have put off? ________
31. Is there anything that bothers you so much that you feel you should be doing
something about it? ________
32. Are there things that you worry about? ________
33. Do you ever think that it is better to suffer? ________
34. Has it ever been to your advantage to have waited rather than act immediately? ________
35. Has anyone overwhelmed you? ________
36. Do you know of anybody who has overwhelmed somebody else? ________
37. Do you feel that you may have overwhelmed somebody else? ________
38. Do you ever feel that you are waiting to have something happen? ________
39. Do you ever feel that time is passing you by? ________
40. Do you feel too old to do what you want to do? ________
41. Did you ever feel too young to do what you wanted to do? ________
42. Is there something that happened after which you felt you could never be
the same again? ________
43. Tell me some things that you protest about. ________
44. Is there something that makes you feel sad? ________
45. Is there any type of situation that makes you feel nervous or apprehensive? ________
46. Do you ever feel fearful about things? ________
47. Does the thought of something terrify you? ________
48. Are there some things that you used to feel strongly about but now no
longer care about? ________
49. Do you feel that somebody uses you? ________
50. Have you ever felt exploited? ________
51. Has anyone taken unfair advantage over you? ________
52. Is there someone you know whose overts are outrageously bad? ________
53. Are you hoping that somebody's overts will catch up with him or her? ________
54. Do you know of anybody that you think deserves to get their own back? ________
55. Have you had to do something covertly? ________
56. Do you prefer to operate behind the scenes rather than overtly? ________
57. Are you wanted anywhere? ________
58. Do you ever feel that somebody is after you? ________
59. Have any of these questions reminded you of something that you have done? ________
60. Have any of these questions reminded you of something that you have withheld? ________
61. Have you ever told part of a withhold but not the rest? ________
62. Have you ever thought of one overt or withhold and then told the auditor
something else? ________
63. Have you ever felt that it wasn't safe to tell something in a session? ________
64. Is there something that is too embarrassing to talk about? ________
65. Is there anything that you feel would be too humiliating to discuss? ________
66. Is there anything that would make you feel less if you told it? ________
67. Are there any overts that you are proud of? ________
68. Is there something that you would like to tell me about? ________
69. Tell me your ideas about your case and difficulties. ________
70. Tell me your ideas about rightnesses about yourself and your pluspoints. ________