Name: .
Date: .
01. Clear auditor. _______
02. C/S 53. _______
03. R factor on procedure. _______
04. Program assessment. _______
05. Considerations R/D. _______
06. Consideration general. _______
07. 2wc What would harm somebody? _______
08. 2wc Tell me about the character of man. _______
09. 2wc Tell me about lessening the size of an overt. _______
10. Omissions list. _______
11. L&N What evil purpose has another had toward you? _______
12. Omissions nouns. _______
13. Motivator list. _______
14. Overt list. _______
15. Flow 3 list. _______
16. Flow 0 list. _______
17. Evil purpose L&Ns F2,F3 & F0. _______
18. 1D nouns. _______
19. 2D lists 2D-1. _______
20. 2D list 2D-2. _______
21. L&N Who/what would regard sex as a solution? _______
22. 2D nouns. _______
23. Greatest overt L&N quad. _______
24. 3D list 3D-1. _______
25. 3D list 3D-2. _______
26. 3D list 3D-3. _______
27. 3D list 3D-0. _______
28. Enemy R/D L&N quad. _______
29. 3D nouns. _______
30. Mest/life list. _______
31. Mest/life nouns. _______
32. Connections list. _______
33. Connections nouns. _______
34. Result assessment. _______
Case Supervisor ________________