Step 1: Clear the auditor. "Look at me; who am I? - repetitively to E.P.
Step 2: R/F: We need to make sure you're all set up for this. so we'll assess a C/5 53 and take it to E.P.
Step 3: Assess C/S 53 and handle.
Step 4: R/F on the procedure. (Tell p.c. you are going to ask him/her each question Tone 40 (i.e. with full intention). You may respond to the question and talk as long as you wish. The question is only taken up further if it reads and you are interested in the subject. If you are, we'll then do a Listing and Nulling action on each Flow).
Step 5: PROGRAM ASSESMENT RUNDOWN ( Step 9 on Program sheet)
Ask the 1st question on the Program Assessment (Method 6) with good impingement. Allow the p.c. to 1tsa wh1le watching for reads on the meter. If you have a charged area indicate to the p.c. that you are going to do each Flow that gives a reading L & N question, after clearing it. L & N "What has another forced you to confess?" Get the item and indicate it to the p.c.
Repeat on Flow 2, 3 and 0.
Now ask the next question on the list and repeat the procedure.
If the L & N question doesn't read, even after suppress and inval are put in on them and the needle is not floating, 2 WC each Flow to F/N.
Ask P.c.: What considerations have you had concerning _________? TWC to F/N. If no F/N: "Is there an earlier time when you had considerations about _________?"
Take up each question of the Considerations list and handle as above.
Ask p.c.: "Are there any other considerations that you have had and were unable to express? " Any other considerations that you haven't mentioned?
Clean up any out Ruds as they show up.
L 10 PROGRAM NOTES - continued - page 2
Step 8
TWC "How do you feel about the subject of HARM?" to F/N (E/S if needed). If any out Ruds show up, handle to F/N.
Step 9
TWC "Tell me about the character of Man" (to F/N)
Step 10
A) TWC 'Tell me about lessening the size of an Overt".
Ask each question on the list and when the p.c. has answered it, ask: 'What were the consequences of that?'
Step 11
L & N "What Evil Purpose has another had towards you? to BD - F/N item
Step 12
If a person or thing keeps coming up as an item on the above list, do Quad Ruds, Overts on that person or thing. Then run 'Can't Have/Enforced Have' (4 Flows) on it.
Step 13
1) Ask each question on the M0TIVATOR LlST (If reading take it E/S to F/N)
2) Ask each question on the OVERT LIST, followed by: "Did you intend that?" or "Was it intentional/done intentionally?"
3) Ask each question of the 10-3 List (Flow 3)
4) Ask each question of the 10-0 List (Flow 0) and when appropriate ask:
"Did you intend that?, etc.
Step 14
L & N Flow 2 "What evil purpose have you had towards others?"
"What evil purpose have others had towards others?"
"What evil purpose have you had towards yourself?"
L 10 PROGRAM NOTES -- continued page 3
Step 15
Repeat step 12 if any other terminals show up repeatedly on above steps.
Step 16
A) Ask each question on LIST 2 D-1 and when the p.c. has answered add: "Who would make you feel guilty for that?"
B) Ask each question on List 2 D-2.
Step 17
L & N: "Who/What would regard sex as a solution?" to BD - F/N item.
Step 18
Termlnal handling per step 12 if needed.
Step 19 Listing and Nulling GREATEST OVERT
Flow 1: "What is the greatest overt against you on the Whole Track?"
Flow 2: "What is the greatest overt you committed against another on the Whole Track?"
Flow 3: "What is the greatest overt another has committed against another or others on the Whole Track?"
Flow 0: "What is the greatest overt you committed against yourself on the Whole Track?"
Step 20
1) Ask each question on LIST G-1 (pages 50 - 52)
L 10 PROGRAM NOTES - page 4
Step 20 continued
2) Ask each question on LIST G-2 (pages 53 - 55)
3) Ask each question on LIST G-3 (pages 56 - 57)
3) Ask each question on LIST G-0 (page 58).
L & N: Flow 1 "Who/What has regarded you as an enemy?"
Flow 2 " " have you regarded as an enemy?"
Flow 3 " " have others regarded as en enemy?"
Flow 0 "How have you regarded yourself as an enemy?"
Step 22
If you get a terminal that the p.c. is hung up on, do step 12.
Step 23 MEST 7 LIFE
1) Assess MEST 7 LIFE LIST (page 63)
2) On each reading Item run O/W, i.e.
a) What have you done to...?
b) What have you witheld from...?
Step 24
If on step 23 you run into a terminal the p.c. is hung up on, do Step 12.
Step 25
Ask each question on the CONNECTIONS LIST, and handle.
Step 26
If on step 25 above you get a charged terminal that keeps coming up. do step 12.
Ask each question on the results assessment and handle.