Berlin Protest |
Additional details from Scientologist Hermann Schubotz were posted this week concerning the planned human rights protest in Berlin this October.
"The Start has changed to 12.30h gathering at the Brandenburger Tor. 14.00h Start of Demonstration March. There will be T-shirts available, banners, loudspeakers etc. 20.30h interreligous Prayer at 'Church of Memory'. This is a very famous place in Berlin, The old Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kirche was left as a ruin from the war and right next to it they build a new modern church, where the Tower is separate from the main building.
"OSA works hard to get other religious groups involved too, like the Moslems who have signaled participation, and other small Christian and religious groups. NAACP officials will be there and of course Scientology Celebrities. And the German female professor (protestant) from Berlin who spoke so courageously at Frankfurt Demo in July. She said in Frankfurt: She hasn't flown from communistic East-Germany in her youth to escape religious suppression, to live again in a state, where some are harassed because of their religion and religions freedom is undermined.
"There is a race between the German and non-German Scientologists, who gets more participants to Berlin. In Frankfurt there were more foreign than German Scientologists. Now the German Orgs will take their pride and want to be in majority at the Demo in Berlin. Nevertheless the best Organizer will win and it's for religious freedom for us all."
Brighton Protest |
Martin Poulter provided details of the latest protest in Brighton, England.
"There were ten people in attendance, plus the homeless guy who handed out leaflets for us. This number of attenders allowed our protest to cover both sides of the street at the spot where Scientology recruiters usually work. Three different kinds of anti-Scientology t-shirt were being worn(!) and six placards were in use. It was the first picket of Scientology in this country at which there was almost no interference from the Scientologists themselves. At previous events, we have been shouted at, called 'criminals', physically intimidated, extensively filmed and photographed and (in one case in London) even punched in the face. Since we were only a short journey from the cult's former world headquarters in East Grinstead, we were prepared for an especially large number of scientologist counter-protestors. Instead, we were merely photographed by one brown-suited member of OSA (Scientology's intelligence agency). This lack of interference deprived us of the opportunity to converse with the Scientologists themselves, but gave us more time to talk with the public."
CAN Ruling |
The Cult Awareness Network received a favorable ruling this week from the Illinois Supreme Court, who overturned the lover court dismissal of their malicious prosecution case.
"The court indicated that the lower courts' interpretations of Illinois malicious prosecution law was too narrow in the CAN case and out-of-keeping with trends in the law in other states. The Illinois Supreme Court noted that CAN claimed that the defendants conspired with each other to carry on a campaign of malicious prosecution for the express purpose of causing CAN's bankruptcy and eventual disbandment. Specifically CAN alleged that between January 24, 1992, and July 1, 1993, various members of the Church of Scientology filed 21 lawsuits around the United States which named authentic CAN as the defendant.
"The court stated that 'The invidiousness of the alleged conspiracy is best reflected in the fact that plaintiff was sued 21 times over the course of a 17-month period in jurisdictions ranging from New York to California. Such sustained onslaught of litigation can hardly be deemed ordinary if plaintiff can prove that the actions were brought without probable cause and with malice.'
"The court further commented: 'The Constitution affords protection to the honest litigator in search of resolutions to true legal disputes; however, it does not provide the right to any individual to assist another, with money or otherwise, in the prosecution of a suit which has been filed with malice and without probable cause.'"
Cult Awareness v. Church of Scientology, No. 80868 (9/18/97)
Message-ID: 5vsout$
Scientology's Citizens Commission on Human Rights announced this week a drive to highlight mental health practitioners under Florida's new sexual predators law. From a CCHR press release:
"Tomorrow, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), based in Clearwater, Florida, will file letters of inquiry requesting that the Attorney General, the Florida Legislature as well as the Courts review the matter and to have psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health counselors who have been convicted, disciplined or found guilty of sexual crimes, included in the list of sexual predators or offenders.
"'Psychiatrists and psychologists found guilty of sexual crimes are not on the list of sexual predators or offenders and they should be,' said Louise Cournoyer, Executive Director for CCHR Clearwater. 'There are too many rapes and other sexual violations being perpetrated by psychiatrists and psychologists. The public has a right to know; for their children's safety and their own safety.'
"Florida Statute 775.21 requires that sexual predators be listed with local authorities when they have been found guilty of sexual crimes; 'most sex offenders commit many offenses, have many more victims than are ever reported and are prosecuted for only a fraction of their crimes. Requiring the registration of sexual predators, with a requirement that complete and accurate information be maintained and accessible for use by law enforcement authorities, communities and the public,' is essential in the case of sexual predators.
"'Psychiatry is destroying lives,' according to Cournoyer. 'It is a very serious offense when a psychiatrist betrays the trust of his or her patient and rapes them, especially children,' said Cournoyer. 'It is for this reason that psychiatrists and psychologists who have committed sexual crimes, should be labeled as sexual predators or offenders in order to protect the public.'"
Chick Corea |
Chick Corea is planning to open a Scientology mission in Boston, according to a report on AOL this week.
"[A] private performance for Scientologists given by Chick Corea to go over his plans to open a Scientology Mission in Boston. It was held at the Lansdowne Street Playhouse. The evening opened with Chick getting up and explaining why he wanted to open up his first Mission in Boston. His plans call for having a center for musicians to come into. Chick had ideas for seminar/performances given possibly by himself, Isaac Hayes, Mark Isham, Billy Sheehan, and others. He also has plans to open other Missions in Italy, Japan and elsewhere around the world."
Washington Hearing |
Scientologists and other religious figures testified at a Senate hearing this week on religious intolerance in Europe. John Travolta, Chick Corea and Isaac Hayes were among the participants. Arnie Lerma attended, confronted Scientology President Heber Jen tzsch, and attempted to get critical information to Senators.
"Saw Heber today, pulled out a blow up of him in handcuffs, asked him, is this you, he said yes. Then he left in hurry. Cult began handing out an Arnaldo Lerma Flyer. There were many there to see the Travolta, he and his bodyguards were there as was Lisa Goodman, Susan Taylor, and perhaps 20 OSA's. Managed to get a 4" thick briefing pack into the hands of the PR man for the council. After I did Susan Taylor OSA DC walked over to him and gently placed her hands on the book as if trying to pull it away. He held on and placed it in a box. The next hearings will likely hear our side of the controversy."
From the Associated Press:
"The subject was serious -- religious persecution -- but girlish giggles echoing in a Capitol hearing room Thursday signaled that some serious star wattage also was under careful review: John Travolta. But the actor was directing all of his heat and anger at Germany, accusing its government of harassing and discriminating against his fellow practitioners of Scientology, a religion with many big-name members.
"Travolta asked the U.S. congressional panel for the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe to complain about the persecution in Germany at the organization's next international meeting."
From Reuters:
"Travolta, a long-time Scientologist, and several other celebrities focused on the treatment of Scientologists in Germany. A range of other religious experts and activists addressed situations in several European nations, especially in Eastern Europe. The witnesses appeared before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, a bipartisan U.S. panel that since 1976 has monitored the Helsinki Accords on human rights.
"'The freedom of religion or belief is under attack in some countries in Europe,' panel co-chairman Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, a New York Republican, said. 'We will hold to account those governments that fail to live up to their promises.' Travolta said he aimed to 'lend a voice to the many people in Germany whose rights as human being and citizens are being trampled' because of their beliefs. 'Their experiences of discrimination and persecution go unheard because there is nobody to speak up for them,' he said.
CNN carried this quote from Travolta:
"Propaganda that has been passed out, uh. Where the minority religions should be stamped out like insects, or uh prophylactics so, uh you know, Scientologists shouldn't be procreated, you know. Things like that, that were indirectly approved uh by uh parts of the government. So I, I don't know. This is the kind of danger, that you really can't, I mean you know, maybe, uh, nobody's been killed yet, or so and so so forth, but you can see where something has to be done now to stop what could happen later."
Message-ID: 5vsd98$
Message-ID: 5vtlvk$
Message-ID: 5vtmj5$
Howard Stern |
A transcript of the Howard Stern radio show, with call-in guest Senator Alphonse D'Amato was posted this week.
"Howard Stern: What?! You're hanging out with that wacko?
"Alphonse D'Amato: John Travolta came to Capitol Hill yesterday and testified about the Scientologists who are being persecuted and being denied jobs and being boycotted....
"Howard Stern: And what did you do? Did you throw him out of there?
"Alphonse D'Amato: His films aren't being permitted to be shown in Germany because he's a Scientologist.
"Howard Stern: Alright, do me a favor. Will you blow up John Travolta too? Did you actually hang out with the Travolta?
"Alphonse D'Amato: No, but he's a very nice guy.
"Howard Stern: And where do you stand on Scientology? That can't possibly be a religion can it?
"Alphonse D'Amato: Well listen, I think you have a right to believe whatever you want. If you want to believe in the sun god I will defend your right, Howard, to believe in whatever you want.
"Howard Stern: Alright, listen to me, Senator. But, in no way I can believe that my senator believes L. Ron Hubbard is god. You should have thrown Travolta right out of there, kicked him down the steps. Do you know John Travolta thinks he can heal people with his hands?
"Alphonse D'Amato: No, I don't know that. If he believes that, that's his belief.
"Howard Stern: I can't believe it. What are you going to do about Germany now?
"Alphonse D'Amato: Well, what we have done, our commission, Helsinki Commission, will be looking into a number of the charges--people who have lost their jobs because... Yeah, you know, ordinary working families. One lost her license, she ran an employment center, it was revoked just because it was revealed that she was a Scientologist, and they wanted her to renounce this."
Time |
Time Magazine this week reports on a conversation with John Travolta in which he describes meeting President Bill Clinton.
"Travolta described what happened when he met his real-life counterpart at the volunteerism summit in Philadelphia last April. 'I hadn't felt the exact seduction everyone says they feel when they're around him, and I wondered when it was coming. Then he said he wanted to help me with the Scientology situation in Germany.' '[Clinton] said he had a roommate years ago who was a Scientologist and had really liked him, and respected his views on it. He said he felt we were given an unfair hand in that country, and that he wanted to fix it. That did it. It was like--wow! You're kidding! Really? Well, all right.'"
Dennis Erlich |
Dennis Erlich posted an update report on Scientology's copyright infringement case against him.
"We have not had anything but a tentative ruling on RTC's motion to dismiss my counterclaims of 'deprivation of civil rights under color of authority' statutes, and other claims regarding conversion of property, theft, invasion of privacy, etcetera. We are entitled to and have requested a jury trial on the matter of the unconstitutional raid, theft of property, false arrest and invasion of privacy matters.
"RTC produced some stuff, the contents of which has yet to be ascertained. They were ordered by Infante to produce originals or 1982 documents mentioned in the poodle's notary log. These documents include transfer docs, option agreement, trust doc, etc. The 'time capsule' defense was successfully used to thwart MoFo's request for production of the original Elrong handwritten first draft of the works which I allegedly quoted a bit too much of to qualify for fair use. Our request for these documents was denied by Infante in the same order that demanded the documents due to MoFo last Friday."
David Gerard |
Australian critic David Gerard received word that he is the subject of a Scientology investigation from his Internet provider, who sent this email:
"I just received a telephone call from a private investigator working for the church of scientology. He claimed his name was 'David Middleton'. He wanted to know the usual information (how long had you had an account, what did I know about your personal life etc). To which I stated that I couldn't possibly divulge information about my users, without their permission, and that I didn't track what they were doing in any event. He mentioned private investigator Greg Hooper, who I have a 'relationship' with. Presumably to gain credibility."
Grady Ward |
Scientology defendant Grady Ward posted an update on his case and personal situation while his copyright infringement case continues.
"I plan on filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy within the next couple of weeks or so, so anyone interested in looking at my finances or list of belongings can take a gander at the court filing.
"Michael T. Mervis was admitted pro hac vice in the array of attorney's against me in an August 28, 1997 order by Judge Ronald M. Whyte (they now have seven attorneys in four law firms). I guess they need more attorneys to attempt to steam-roller me at trial. However I intend to keep putting up a stiff fight all the way."
Message-ID: 3420cf78.4785020@
Berry Leaves Factnet |
Graham Berry has withdrawn from the Factnet copyright infringement case, as Lawrence Wollersheim reported this week.
"Graham Berry and his firm have withdrawn from the Factnet Case with Factnet's blessing. Because of Scientology outrageous litigation tactics Factnet is short of money and mutually agreed with Graham's firm that this economizing was necessary. (Scientology has vowed it will drive Factnet out of existence and its directors into personal bankruptcy so why should Factnet running low on money be a surprise!)"
Message-ID: 5vl0hm$
Gottfried Helnwein |
Martin Ottmann reported this week that Gottfried Helnwein has withdrawn his case against the publisher of a book that exposed his connection to Scientology
"On August 18th the Austrian Artist and Scientologist Gottfried Helnwein has withdrawn his motion for an interim order against the publisher and writer Peter Reichelt, who wrote a critical book about Helnwein's connections to Scientology. It happened three days before the court hearing in Berlin. Helnwein especially didn't liked to be called by Reichelt 'New OT VIII', 'Patron of the IAS', and 'OSA Field Staff Member'. Nevertheless Helnwein filed in the meantime a criminal complaint against Reichelt at a police station in Koblenz, probably for stealing documents. The complaint is still sealed."
LA School Holds |
The Los Angeles Times reported that a planned Scientology-run charter school is on hold, possibly due to the adverse publicity generated by the school.
"A proposal for a charter school featuring the teaching methods of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard has been withdrawn by its primary sponsor for personal reasons, according to her supporters. Linda Smith, a veteran special education teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District and 16-year Church of Scientology member, had hoped to open the Northwest Charter School in the San Fernando Valley this fall. But she has postponed the plans while she cares for an ill family member, said Steve Hayes, an attorney who has been working with Smith on the committee planning the school.
"Los Angeles school officials wondered if the controversy surrounding Smith's proposal also played a role in her decision to delay the application, and pledged to scrutinize any new submission just as carefully. 'I can't second-guess her reasons, but I'm assuming she may need to let things quiet down for a while,' said school board President Julie Korenstein. 'It has been tremendously controversial, nationally and internationally.'
"Smith's plans had called for about 100 students to attend kindergarten through grade 8 on a new campus to be established in the Sunland-Tujunga area; a site has yet to be secured. Smith's proposal called for her to be the principal of her proposed school, with most of her students drawn from private schools. The Northwest curriculum would include standard texts, as well as the Hubbard Study Technology, which Smith said helps bolster student achievement by addressing three 'barriers' to learning. Students use dictionaries to look up words they do not understand, apply their lessons to real life and master each rung of material to obtain a thorough understanding of a subject."
Libel Suit |
Three former Scientologists announced a lawsuit against Scientology leader David Miscavige and OSA head Mike Rinder this week for publishing bulletins in which they were described as criminals.
"The Verified Complaint, filed in superior court for Los Angeles county, tells the short story: Miscavige and Mike Rinder, who heads up Office of Special Affairs (OSA) for Church of Scientology International (CSI) - are alleged to have been the approving authorities for a brochure called 'Public Warning.' Published by OSA, the brochure contains trademarks ostensibly owned by RTC, used with RTC's permission. 'Public Warning' also contains a measure of unflattering allegations against the plaintiffs--about $190 million worth, according to them. (We'd love to show more of 'Public Warning' to you, but it's copyrighted by CSI.)"
Toronto Picket |
Gregg Hagglund reported on yet another protest against Scientology in Toronto this week.
"3 Picketers (Gregg, Artemis and Slippery Jim) on a cold windy evening at total cause again over Toronto Co$. This time at upscale Hilton Hotel. Police afford us constant protection in light of assaults on Henson.
"Auditors Day for the Toronto Org saw a dismal turnout of less than 300 adults and children. Org blows over $5000.00 and false advertises event open to general public.
"Much enturbulation after I mistakenly get invited by a LadyClam to tour the Auditors Foyer set up 2 hours before the show. Near hysteria erupts when I photograph Foyer exhibits & layout and they cog as to who I am."
Tilman Hausherr provided a summary of a German ZDF-TV program on Scientology, Lisa McPherson and the Cult Awareness Network.
"Reporter Tartarotti was followed by PIs all the time. Jim Beebe can be seen and interviewed shortly, but then he got asthma. Lisa photo in her coffin. She looks different, much older. Cynthia Kisser can be seen in her Methodist Church with her son. The community there supports her.
"And absolute first was an interview with Jason Scott! He told that Kenny Moxon promised him a million $. He didn't know what Moxon was a top scientologist. He calls himself now 'a pawn in their game'. When Moxon was fired, he filed liens against Scott, even tried to get custody on him (he's 25). Scott now can't buy a house, etc. At the end of the film, Scott said that he found out that CAN wasn't evil at all, that they were helping families.
"Heber is such a loon, therefore is a sure bet for great fun. He was unable to answer a question, instead he started attacking CAN and showed a photo of 'CAN people' arrested. ZDF then showed a photo of Heber arrested in Spain. Heber started to ask questions, and Tartarotti refused 'It's the reporters who ask the questions'. Heber then said 'well why can't we both ask the questions?' Heber attacked ZDF, claimed that ZDF was destroying religions. What Heber really hated was to see photos of dead Lisa. He refused to look at them, and said TV should interview Robert Davis (who doesn't give interviews, as Heber knew)."
Jim Beebe described the private investigators who attended his interview with ZDF.
"There were two cars of scientology agents outside of my house. After an unpleasant confrontation the police finally ordered them to leave. I live in a private subdivision and when we came out these two cars were waiting plus 2 or 3 other cars. I was forced off the road and lost Franz and his crew in their car. These cars of scientology agents followed and harassed Franz all the way from Florida to Chicago. This whole thing was frightening. Especially when our FBI informs you that they can and will do nothing. I have had a threatening letter from Moxon recently and a series of psychotic letters from a regional OSA agent. These letters which have gotten increasingly more disturbing have revealed that this agent has been stalking Cynthia Kisser and apparently myself and my ex-wife."
Hosted by Operation Clambake