Presenting Rod Keller's
Alt.religion.scientology Week in Review

Volume 3, Issue 34 - November 29 1998



Lyon Capitale, a french news weekly, published an article on Scientology cases in France, and harassment of critics. "While 23 of its members were before the criminal courts of Lyon, one for involuntary homicide, the others for fraud and abuse of trust, the Church of Scientology was highly visible in the streets of Lyon. Demonstrations, distribution of leaflets, open houses and public ceremonies: the scientologists cultivated the appearance of victims through a vast PR campaign. The scientologists convicted by the court saw their sentences reduced on appeal. While recalling that there had been fraud, the appeals court allowed the Church of Scientology to take advantage of being a 'religion', thus giving the cult a new opportunity to improve its public image. "Today, the church has, it seems, closed its doors again. Sealed off from the world, the organization is showing itself to be more allergic than ever to criticism. When we asked for permission to take a few photos at the church in Lyon, we were dryly told: 'No. I mean no. Don't insist.' with no further explanation. Currently under fire in the media, now that several elements of a case against the cult have disappeared from a court in Paris, 'la Sciento' has pulled into its shell. And gone onto the offensive. Lyon professor Paul Aries, a specialist on cult issues, knows something about it. His latest work, 'Scientology: laboratory of the future', published by Golias, wasn't yet on sale when he received a letter from Scientology reminding him that that the texts of the founding guru were protected by copyright, before threatening him with forgery. But Christian Terras, founder of the revue 'Golias', replied to the scienos that he would anyway publish the book. It's a done deal since last week. "Police, academics, and the investigating magistrate responsible for the inquiry into the suicide of a member in Lyon have all be subject to multiple intimidations. Journalistic inquiries such as Serge Flaubert's 'A Cult at the Heart of the Republic' or Richard Behar's article in Time magazine were the targets of lawsuits. The threats are sometimes physical. Since he started researching cults, Aies has been attacked several times, resulting in a dislocated shoulder. A meeting with senior police officials was canceled anonymously. His mail has been stolen. He has had to move house several times. 'I can't accuse anyone in particular', he says, 'I am filing charges against a John Doe'." Message-ID:


News from the continuing controversy over Scientology in Germany. Main-Echo reports that Scientology is fighting back against the government decision to continue surveillance of Scientology. "The President of the controversial Scientology organization, Heber Jentzsch has called upon the German Interior Ministers Conference to not let itself be led by the 'hate-filled speech' of their Bavarian representative, Gunter Beckstein (CSU). In a statement released in Los Angeles, California, Jentzsch called Beckstein a 'blind fanatic' and a 'political desperado' by whom the 'mentally healthy' members of the Ministries should not be influenced. "The Interior Ministers deliberated on Thursday and Friday in Bonn on an agenda which included a continuation of the surveillance of Scientology by the German intelligence agency of Constitutional Protection. An agreement on an extension was seen as likely. Beckstein relentlessly appealed to the Conference, bringing up, among other things, the accusatory testimony of prominent former Scientologist, Jesse Prince. According to Jentzsch, Prince is not credible. He is said to have a long history of 'legal offenses' ranging from drug dealing to theft. Besides that, Jentzsch described German intelligence information about the operations of a Scientology secret service in Germany as 'completely false.'" From Westfalische Nachrichten" "This is the same tone taken in the infamous campaign in which Scientology compared itself with the victims of Jewish persecution by the National Socialists. He who so readily reaches for the polemics chest cannot expect that he will be taken seriously in religious demands. "Taken in this light the presentation by the German intelligence agency becomes realistic. The concentration of Scientology upon commercial and social positions of power as the way to a new world of 'mental health', a private intelligence service, influencing of judges, intimidation of opponents, resorting to methods of 'psychological warfare' - such activities have nothing to do with the deep human search for a sense and value of life. The proven and the presumed commercial power of the organization leads more to the conclusion that Scientology is thinking along materialistic lines, namely, to rule the world with money." A Suddeutsche Zeitung editorial criticized the surveillance. "Conspiracy theories can almost never be disproved. If there is no proof for a hypothesis, then that is proof positive in the world of conspiracy that the suspicion has been justified. The Interior Ministers made the decision to observe sect founder L. Ron Hubbard's group. Scientology was said to not only exploit the trust of its victims, but also to be infiltrating politics and the economy. Catastrophes resulted from the dilettantish investigations into the sect in Berlin and Stuttgart, which caused plenty of collateral damage. Now the report of a federal-state group shows that Scientology had been immeasurably over-estimated. The number of members is not, as prognosticated, thirty thousand, but is more like six thousand. 'An infiltration of the political parties' can no more be detected than can a 'systematic infiltration of the economy.' Of 3.2 million employees of the civil service, 48 are in Scientology and three of the sect members are in a political party. The decision to continue the investigation into Scientology is a make-work measure for the Constitutional security agents and evidence of the self-justification of politicians." The Associated Press reports that Scientology membership in Hamburg is falling. "According to a presentation made by sect commissioner Ursula Caberta, the Hamburg Scientology Center is suffering under financial problems and dwindling membership. An increasing number of ex-members are demanding their money back, and a decision to seize property for payment is in process, said the expert, who had been specially assigned by the Hamburg Senate for the observation of Scientology, to journalists on Monday. While the organization has numbered its members in the north German coastal states at 5,000, the actual membership has shrunk to 1,000-1,500 adherents. 'Things are no longer going well with Scientology,' said Caberta. Rich members have left the organization, and even the Scientology attorneys are showing up less frequently for court dates. Until 1992, the Hamburg Center was regarded as the most successful in the world. Now the organization is in arrears with its rent at the Hamburg Center." From Taz-Hamburg: "Less rental income, fewer members and the process server at the door: influence and power of Scientology has drastically dropped, rejoiced Ursula Caberta, Director of the Work Group on Scientology for the state offices, yesterday. 'The organization is no longer doing as well as it was at the beginning of the 1990's.' In Caberta's opinion, it was mainly the declining income of the rental and real estate businesses that weakened the organization. 'It has gotten quiet for Scientology on the homeowners and renters market,' confirmed Christine Keine from the 'Renters helping renters' group yesterday. That is due primarily to the wave of conversions from rental units to condominiums now being a thing of the past. Several years ago, said Caberta, renters associations were estimating that the organization still had a third of the market share. "Apparently the Scientologists in the Hanseatic City will soon be threatened with a legal entry order. They would not let a bill collector into the building, so the city court had to make a decision, said Caberta. She hopes, anyway, that the building on Steindamm will soon no longer be available to Scientology. The current owner wants to sell the property; an interested investor has already announced that he intends to have the building torn down." The Associated Press reports that Scientology disputes Caberta's findings. "The number of departees from the Hamburg center, on a percent basis, 'is far less than that of the church overall,' said Scientology. They further state that in Hamburg, Scientology members are even offered money by the Constitutional Security Agency for their departure. The press conference in the state offices was not able to whitewash the fact that the Constitutional Security Agency has nothing to show after its one year surveillance of Scientology, stated the organization." Berliner Morgenpost reported on a concert performance by Scientologist Chick Corea. "We were not able to spot anything funny under the piano, however the concert by Chick Corea in the 'Tranenpalast' was nothing usual. No advertisement, only a few tickets for sale. Rather than selling tickets, numerous highly official invitations on hand-made paper were sent out by the US State Department. Many journalists asked themselves, upon receipt of their letter, 'what have I done now?' "Corea wants to promote his music and dip into the German cornucopia, because Germany is one of the most important record markets of the world and has subsidized countless festivals which are able to book top stars. The losses of the last five years, during which time many promoters have not wanted to book Corea, may have taken a heavy toll on him. Still Corea denies having made a mistake. He believes that everything in Scientology is 'clean', no psychological terrorism, no rip-offs. "At the concert in the 'Tranenpalast' he presented himself as a victim; this was not stated explicitly, but was, nonetheless, clearly perceptible. 'A Tribute to Freedom' was the name of the program which the US Embassy had previously tried to promote at the Berlin Jazz Festival amid much fanfare, in vain. The Jazz Fest turned them down, but the 'Tranenpalast' accepted on condition that 'not one word about Scientology' be mentioned. "The free tickets did not completely make up for the stale aftertaste of the evening. Perhaps Chick Corea should perform again, but only if half of the night's take goes to sect victims." Mindener Tageblatt published an article on an anti-cult lecture by Rev. Volker Kukenshoner. "Reverend Volker Kukenshoner pointed out the danger of the well-known Scientology sect and used this as a role model for other sects. The group baits people by awakening anxiety about their future and then presenting themselves as a safe haven. One is led to tell everything about himself. Human dignity is then totally violated, as the young man in the video realizes after leaving the sect. It is very simple to rip people off, and that is exactly what sects are designed to do. The consequences are mountains of debt which is up to the victims to pay, stated the expert. "People most at risk are those who are at a turning point in their lives. Unemployment and spousal problems give rise to the sect promising special knowledge, success or love. The group appears to offer exactly that which the person would need in this kind of situation." Message-ID: 7397ad$qqs$ Message-ID: 73e43d$68a$ Message-ID: 73fhc9$gfi$ Message-ID: 73fhlo$gro$ Message-ID: 73hp74$eji$ Message-ID: 73hpdd$enl$ Message-ID: 73jl02$us1$ Message-ID: 73ri03$3d6$

Grady Ward

An update on Grady Ward's copyright infringement case was posted to a.r.s this week. "According to an Order issued November 18, 1998 by Judge Jeremy Fogel, the Judge rejected the cult demand that Grady Ward's appeal be labeled 'frivolous' and so it will go forward without the posting of any bond. Judge Fogel also agreed with Judge Whyte that Ward's solicitations of cults secrets did not constitute probable cause for issuing an Order to Show Cause. In effect, this ruling opens the way for Grady Ward to resume his regular call for cult secrets to be lawfully sent to him at Ward's Appellant brief is due January 19, 1999." Message-ID:

Karsten Lorenzen

Karsten Lorenzen posted a report on his recent anti-Scientology lecture in Denmark. "I had a lecture regarding my experiences in Scientology the 10 of november 1998. Scientologists came, and taped my lecture and tried to make me look stupid. Now this lecture was held at a danish scout organization rooms in a small danish city called Horsens. There was a lot of people attending and Scientology's press chief from scientology church Jutland replied them with this letter: "'Hereby I send you as promised a copy of the part we have on tape of Carsten Lorentzens lecture in your rooms the 10 nov. 98 regarding Scientology. I will use the opportunity to once again underline the unlucky part you had in arranging such a public critical lecture as this against a minority religion. Besides the fact that a one way critical meeting as yours 10. nov. is illegal and is based on the idea on which many crimes and religious wars are built upon. It also violates the Idea in the European Human rights convention, due to the fact that your meeting does not put forth the Idea that everyone has the right to think freely and to conciseness - as well as religious freedom. "'Sincerely yours Soren Refstrup' "I guess Scinos are threatening danish scouts." Message-ID:

Lisa McPherson

The St. Petersburg Times published column by Mary Jo Melone on the Lisa McPherson charges against Scientology this week. "The usual rules of the game require that I withhold judgment on the charges of criminal neglect and practicing medicine without a license that were filed against the Church of Scientology on Nov. 13 by Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney Bernie McCabe in connection with McPherson's death in 1995. But the good guys finally struck back at that collection in Clearwater of the glassy-eyed, the robotic and the rich. And the just plain sick. "The Scientologists didn't literally use a turkey baster to force pseudo-medical cocktails into McPherson, but a device that operates under the same principle, called an irrigation syringe. Imagine a needleless syringe bigger than the one used to give you a flu shot. Honest-to-God medical people use it to flush wounds, said Ken Dandar, the attorney for McPherson's survivors, who are suing the Scientologists. McPherson was pumped with concoctions that would have impressed Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: magnesium, a sedative called chloral hydrate, aspirin, the antihistamine Benadryl, and assorted vitamins and herbs. Scientology mumbo-jumbo swears it was going to save her from her psychosis. "A hearing will be held on the criminal charges on Nov. 30, and the Scientologists vow to resolve them quickly. They say nothing like this will ever happen again. If the church pleads no contest to McCabe's criminal charges, the criminal case can't even be mentioned in the civil suit. On the other hand, if the church fights the charges and loses, the criminal case can be cited in the civil proceedings. This would almost certainly drive up the cost of a settlement." The Times also published an article on the decision to bring charges against Scientology in the case. "Among McCabe's options: Be aggressive and level a serious charge such as manslaughter, but risk a bruising legal battle with the Church of Scientology, which had taken on much bigger fish than McCabe. Only four years earlier, the well-heeled organization had subdued the IRS after a 40-year legal war, at times spending $1-million a month on lawyers. Another route would have been to decline to charge or level a minor charge, which might have exposed McCabe to accusations that he lacked toughness. "He eventually chose a third option, say Heyman and other lawyers who know the state attorney and are familiar with the workings of his office. McCabe took what they described as an eminently safe and practical middle course that resulted in two felony charges against the Church of Scientology's main operating entity in Clearwater. The Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization Inc. was charged with abuse and/or neglect of a disabled adult and practicing medicine without a license. "To prove manslaughter, prosecutors would have had to prove that Scientology or its members committed culpable negligence. That means proving they 'must have known or reasonably should have known' their actions were 'likely to cause death or great bodily injury,' according to the jury instruction for manslaughter. The prosecutor also would have to prove that any violations were 'gross and flagrant.' Also, a manslaughter defense likely would include the argument that Scientologists were simply practicing their religious beliefs in trying to help McPherson, Heyman said. "McCabe's office probably chose the abuse and/or neglect charge because it fits the facts in the case better than manslaughter. Under state law, prosecutors must prove that a 'caregiver' who has assumed responsibility for a disabled adult must take 'reasonable measures' to protect the person. In using the charge, McCabe will not be required to prove the church caused McPherson's death -- only that it seriously injured her. The prosecutor thus avoids what was expected to be a sophisticated and highly scientific defense in which Scientology would have tried to prove McPherson's death was a health-related accident that happened to occur while she was in their company." The Guardian published an article on the McPherson case this week. "If Hollywood stars such as John Travolta - JT to the hierarchy - and Tom Cruise are Scientology's pin-ups, McPherson and her like are the stick-ups - they put the posters on their walls. But life was still good to McPherson. An unsigned tax return for 1994 showed her income as almost $137,000, though she appears to have donated $75,275 of that 'to qualified religious services'. She kept a diary in which she detailed routine concerns about relationships, her health, her kitten and her mother. She loved dancing and would take a twirl with anyone who could keep up with her at the Old New York New York nightclub in Clearwater, the church's world headquarters. "There was no particular reason to predict what would happen when she was in a minor car crash on November 18 three years ago. There was no evidence that McPherson was hurt, and she got out of the vehicle and walked down the road wild-eyed, tearing off her clothes. She was thought to have had a breakdown and was recommended to a mental institution by the local hospital. But Scientologists share at least one strongly-held belief with mainstream skeptics: they will have no truck with psychiatry. So McPherson was taken instead to the Fort Harrison hotel, owned by the organistion. Seventeen days later, she was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at HCA hospital, New Port Richey. Her family blames Scientology for her death, for her dehydration, the bruises on her arms and legs, the abrasions and lesions, the apparent bug or animal bites. A medical examiner said she had died of a blood clot complicated by dehydration. She also had an infection, which the church blames for all her symptoms. "McPherson's ashes were scattered over the graves of her brother and father, who also died by his own hand. Every so often her mother, Fannie, walks by a Dianetics office in Dallas, Texas. 'When I see those poor things going into that place I want to go in there and scream: 'Get out. You don't know what you're getting into'.'" Message-ID: Message-ID: 73bk6j$ Message-ID:

Picket / Revenge Picket Summary

Pickets at Scientology orgs this week and revenge pickets at critics' homes. First, Bob Minton and Stacy Young picketed the Fort Harrison Hotel. "It was pretty clear from the reaction that the impromptu display had not been anticipated, and the ensuing activity can best be described as an OT Fire Drill. About 6:25pm, Bob and Stacy began walking up and down the sidewalk directly in front of the Ft. Homicide. Both signs said, 'Lisa's Blood on Scientology Hands' with the red handprints on one side. Bob's said 'Scientology - Hubbard's Third Reich' on the other side, and Stacy's had a big picture of Lisa, alive and smiling, surrounded by all the names from the Strope affidavit, along with a few extras, like DM, LRH, and Elliot Abelson. "When we first showed up, the scene was probably pretty typical for a Sunday evening at Flag. There were lots of Sea Org'ies and a few publics walking briskly about the surrounding sidewalks, there were people in the cafe, and the shutters were open to the dining room. A security guard showed up, and Stacy identified him as Paul Kellerhals. She said that he's in charge of security at some site in California, and that his presence at Flag suggested that DM might be in town. By 6:30pm, Ben Shaw was on the scene. "By about 6:40pm, a cameraman from a local news station (ABC Ch. 28) showed up, and began interviewing both Bob and Stacy. A Clearwater PD officer was also on the scene, and talked to us briefly. Apparently the $cieno Gestapo had complained that the picketing was interfering with their drop-off zone right in front of the Ft. Homicide front doors. Of course, since it was all a public sidewalk there was not much that could be done, other than to advise us to keep moving, and don't block the pedestrian traffic - which, of course, we were already following. "Right at 7:00pm, Rinder showed up. He and Ben Shaw walked up to the guy from Ch. 28, and looked like they were ready to do their own interview. When Bob walked up and launched into some more verbal tech beginning with: 'Mike Rinder is one of the people responsible for Lisa's death. He is the apologist for this cult,' Rinder headed into the Ft. Homicide lobby while the cameraman filmed. Rinder held his interview inside the lobby." From Bruce Pettycrew in Mesa, Arizona: "I stopped by for an hour after work today. There were 5 cars in the lot, 3 arrived and one left during the picket. Rush hour traffic was heavy. As usual, the positive response to the picket was 10 to 1 over the negative response." "Wulfen" and "Android Cat" picketed this week in Toronto. "The signs were: $cientology: BAIT AND SWITCH 'Church' http://WWW.XENU.NET. and $cientology: The Gerbil Wheel to Total Freedom Staff members get a 10% commission on sales: Is this a church? "We also handed out a few leaflets. We showed up almost on the dot of 6:00 PM, and raised our signs. Mario saw us, and zapped inside the Org, to make another 'the SP's are here!' phone call or something. There were some other people on the sidewalk, too. They were apparently Scientologists, because within 30 or 40 seconds, the previously populated sidewalk was empty. My sign seems to work, as far as getting peoples' attention. 'BAIT AND SWITCH' really gets people thinking, it seems." "A police car did pull up at the side of the Org for five minutes or so, watched, then left. I hope Mario didn't fib about any sort of riot breaking out. Not too many flyers handed out--it was windy and cold and most people didn't want to take their hands out of their pockets. The Saturday afternoon crowd isn't in as much of a hurry either." From Kristi Wachter, on a solo picket at the Mountain View org: "Two pedestrians from nearby businesses came over and took fliers as soon as I started picketing. Later, an older lady pulled in to the parking lot to talk to me. She asked what I was picketing, and I said, 'Dianetics and Scientology.' She said, 'For or against?' I said, 'I'm against some of their practices, which I consider to be illegal.' She said, 'I believe that,' and proceeded to tell me about her nephew, who had gotten sucked in (her phrase) some years ago. She said she paid off an $8,000 loan for him, and then another $3,000, and they just wouldn't leave him alone. I told her about Lisa and about the upcoming picket. She thanked me for picketing and drove off. "I learned that evening that three revenge-picketers had demonstrated in front of my apartment building from 4 to 5 pm - a tall black gentleman, a young lady, and a strident lady. Apparently they got into some pretty loud arguments with passersby - some of the occupants of my building could hear them spouting their usual empty and insulting repartee, including sparklers like 'You don't know what you're talking about!' I hear one of the passersby took issue with them for their celebrity chasing, too, prompting the tired 'There are Jesuit celebrities, too!'" Kristi also reported on a picket in San Francisco: "Suppressives: Mysterious Dude, phr, and me. Date/Time: 11/21/98, 12:00 to 1:40 pm or so Handouts: fliers (mint/law, 'Why I Picket', criminal allegations, Lisa, Xenu, mini-fliers), suckers, mints, Attorney General postcards "I made my usual phone call to the police station, then assembled my accouterments and headed for the door. I had a new sign: $CIENTOLOGY HURTS PEOPLE. $CIENTOLOGY HURT LISA MCPHERSON. $CIENTOLOGY HURT WAYNE WHITNEY. $CIENTOLOGY HURT DOROTHY GEARY. WHO WILL BE NEXT? "I also had 150 copies of a new flier announcing the Nov. 13 felony charges and the Dec. 5 picket (I posted the flier text in another message). I handed these out all along the way to the org and got lots of appreciative comments on the way. We finally handed out our last pink flier, and just as we were wrapping up and preparing to leave, my own personal revenge picketers came out of the org bearing their 'Kristi Wachter is a religious bigot' picket signs. The two of them, a tall black gentleman and a strident blonde lady, were REALLY rude and hostile, shouting out lovely phrases like 'You can go fuck yourself! Bitch!' The tall black man said 'The truth about Scientology is that you are a nut! You have 8 - 10 hours a day to spend on newsgroups. You are a flake. You can suck my dick. You're an idiot. You're a dumbass.' They shouted a few more insults and said, in a nasty, threatening way, 'We'll see you at your home, Kristi,' then they got in their van and drove off." "I came home where I knew my revenge picketers would be waiting for me. Sure enough, Ben, Tall Black Guy, and Stridenta were right out front. I said, cheerily, 'Hi Ben!' and began counter-picketing (counter-counter-picketing?). To my usual spiel ('I think Scientology's hurting people - would you like to know more?') I added 'These people are out here trying to intimidate me out of speaking the truth.' "TBG tried out the bigotry angle: TBG: 'You really hate us, don't you?' Me: 'Actually, I don't.' I tried explaining that, in addition to my concern for the unsuspecting public, I was concerned about Scientologists getting locked up or otherwise abused, and that I was concerned that, if management didn't get its ethics in pretty soon, my Scientology friends wouldn't have a church at all. TBG (sarcastically): 'Our well-being is what you're doing this for. We really appreciate that.' Me: '... And where is sarcasm on the tone scale?' TBG & Ben: 'About where you are.' 'About 30 notches above where you are.'" Jeff Jacobsen was the subject of a revenge picket this week. "About 6 Scientologists picketed the hotel where I was DJ'ing last night. They had called the hotel ahead of time. They stayed about 45 minutes. I went out to take their pictures. I tried to angle the shots so I would get their faces too, but EVERY ONE of them hid behind their one-sided signs. One guy talked to me and kept trying to bring up Keith Henson for some reason, but I kept telling him about the trials coming up in Lisa's case. I couldn't talk long because I had to get back to work." Kady O'Malley reported on distribution of leaflets at the Los Angeles orgs. "Armed with 100 Lisa McPherson flyers I and my trusty unindicted co-conspirator Snefru headed to Big Blue. We started at the top of Fountain (the street immediately perpendicular to LRH Way), and proceeded to walk casually down the street, handing out flyers to the few people we met on the way, including several apparently scientologist public passersby - one armed with a deck of flyers of his own. The bike cops - usually omnipresent around the complex - were curiously absent until we rounded LRH Way, when we caught sight of one pedaling in a relaxed fashion around the corner, apparently blissfully ignorant of our presence. Until right that moment, when he chanced to turn around, and spotted our happy, smiling, innocent faces. Instantly, his walkie talkie was pressed close to his cheek as he alerted his seniors to our presence. We continued up LRH Way, handing out flyers to the few folks we passed, when, on looking behind us, we caught sight of the selfsame bike cop taking the flyers out of the hands of those we had passed them out to. He was stopping behind us, and gathering up a handful of them. "We decided to make our way northwesterly, to the LRH Life Exhibit and OSA Headquarters on Hollywood and Ivar. We parked a few blocks away, and began handing out flyers as we headed towards the Exhibit itself, with most people seeming bemused, but interested, and taking copies freely. The vast majority were happy to take flyers, and we quickly passed out our entire bundle. During the forty-five minutes or so that we had been engaged in flyer tech out in front of the Exhibit a veritable pack of steely-eyed Sea Orgers and assorted security grunts had gathered in front of the Exhibit itself. "After finishing up, we decided to head back to the car, a job well done and flyers well distributed. We looked behind us to see Thug B, walking briskly half a block behind us. We stopped, and commed with him for approximately 15 minutes, describing our purpose for being there. After approximately 15 minutes, two other persons who we initially thought to be PI's flanked us, and showed up on either side of us. One of them butted into Snefru's conversation with Thug B, and introduced himself as 'Hello, my name is Craig Brown, and I just want you to know that all of your homes will be picketed. There will be flyers everywhere, handed to all of your neighbors, and everyone will know who you are.' He then mentioned that he was the founder of the front group known as FRL, or Friends of Religious Liberty. He claimed to have 500 scientologists around the country assembled for the purpose of picketing critics houses." Message-ID: 73d40m$lnp$ Message-ID: Message-ID: Message-ID: Message-ID: Message-ID: Message-ID: 73pam7$ls5$ Message-ID: 73qka0$


Scientology has complained to the police about the member of the Swedish Parliament who placed a copy of the NOTS levels in a city library. "According to Goteborgs-Posten Nov 24, the CoS has decided to file a complaint against member of parliament Carina Hagg for illegal spreading of copyrighted material. She requested a copy of NOTs from the parliament under the 'offentlighetsprincip', and gave it to the City library of Jonkoping [a medium-sized city in the middle-south of Sweden]. Since last summer, scientologists have every day arrived at the library at opening time and stayed with the material all day, to keep others from reading it. Zenon Panoussis announced a new source for requesting the NOTS from Sweden. "It was mailed to professor Berglie at his work, at the university of Stockholm. What few people know is that the university is a public institution just as any other, that professors are public servants and that, according to several recent rulings, e-mail to public servants in their job is just as much of a public document as any public document. In other words, the recipient is not allowed to trash it and the public has the right to view it and/or request a copy of it. In other words: there is now a digital public copy of the OTs and NOTs available to the public. Anyone who cares to visit, phone, fax, write or e-mail to "Stockholms universitet religionshistoriska institutionen (Universitetsvagen 10E) 106 91 Stockholm Sweden "phone +46-8-162000 +46-8-6747000 fax +46-8-159522 e-mail" Message-ID: 73dri1$kds$ Message-ID: 73f582$7h0$ Message-ID:

La Secte

Roger Gonnet announced the publication of his new book "La Secte". "Shows how Hubbard and scn passed through steps from being essentially a 'technical' organization (when the auditors were almost everything the 'foundations' possessed), through a more organized one with more admin staffs, then to orgs where there were 2 admin staffs for one tech staff, to orgs trying to impose 'ethics' instead of tech, to orgs using more and more OUTSIDE admin techs - 'wog' justice etc, to 'get results'. "About the french sentence in Lyon - regarding the fact that scienos said they were an accepted religion in france, but weren't at all. Regarding purif and legal, purif and overdoses, dangers, medicine death cases." Message-ID:

Marilyn Monroe

The New York Post gossip column included a report this week on Scientology's claims that Marilyn Monroe was driven to suicide by her psychiatrist. "An organization called the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International is circulating a 'Dear Fellow Artist' letter which claims Marilyn and other performers have been destroyed by their psychoanalysts. The letter is signed by Jenna Elfman of 'Dharma and Greg,' Anne Archer, Juliette Lewis, Chick Corea, and Isaac Hayes, among others. "Regarding Monroe's psychiatrist, 'His tactic was disastrous ... instead of leading his patient to independence, he did exactly the opposite ... he was certain he could prevail on her to do anything he wished,' an accompanying booklet to the letter noted, quoting from Donald Spoto's 1993 biography of the star. The report noted that Monroe made 23 movies in the seven years before she began psychiatric treatment, but she completed only six more in the ensuing seven years before her death. She died of an overdose shortly after spending six hours with her psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Greenson." Message-ID:

Mary Sue Hubbard

Keith Henson reported that Mary Sue Hubbard has disappeared in the wake of a court ruling that allowed her to be deposed in Dennis Erlich's case. "Because of Jesse Prince's affidavits on the possibly illegal (under duress) transfer of copyrights, Judge Whyte permitted MoFo (Dennis Erlich's pro bono lawyers) to go forward on a deposition of Mary Sue Hubbard. No surprise, MSH's house is now locked up and deserted, and she cannot be found, or served with a request for a deposition. Does her vanishing have anything to do with Dennis' case?" Message-ID: -end-

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A.r.s. Week in Review is put together by Rod Keller © This collection is organised for WWW by Andreas Heldal-Lund. Only edits done by me is replacing word encapsuled in * or _ with bold and underscore, and made links into HTML.

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