One opened, more to go... Operation Clambake presents:
The Henson Case

"To some of us, preserving the Net for free speech is more important than anything in the free world."
--Ron Newman, netizen

Practicing medicine without a license.

Having read the New Era Dianetics for Operating Thetans (NOTs) levels, Keith Henson believes that Scientology is practicing medicine without a license. He was sued for posting the relevant sections - NOTS 34 - that describe these practices.

NOTs 34 analysis:

Keith Henson lost in May 1998 and has to pay $75,000 in statutory damages Mr. Henson could also be assessed RTC's legal fees and costs that could easily be over $1 million. In 1995 the Washington Post was similarly sued for printing six lines of another secret scientology manual. However, in that case, a Virginia Judge threw out the case and awarded costs to the Washington Post.

Henson picketing

On a related front, the cult takes offense at Keith picketing their various organizations. The judge, at a recent hearing to strike Henson's trial brief, denied their ex parte application in no uncertain terms:

"There is a lot of silliness going on here, and this court is not going to entertain it! The statements of counsel in their briefs are just that, and not evidence."

The lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal July 21st blasts Judge Whyte for his stands in the Scientology copyright cases!

On the heels of the shocking Henson verdict -- awarding $75,000.00 for posting two pages of something that had been posted many times before, not secretly, but in his own name, something that he didn't try to make a cent on -- Grady Ward settled his lawsuit with scientology.

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Operation Clambake