One opened, more to go... Operation Clambake presenterer:

Beslag fra Hellas

Dette er et dokument beslaglagt av greske myndigheter under en rassia i Scientologikirkens kontorer i Hellas (KEPHE) 2. september 1995.

Dokumentet er et såkalt "Executive Directive" utsendt av Scientologikirkens internationale etteretningsavdeling OSA (Office of Special Affairs) for å "håndtere" den offentlige anklageren Ioannis Angelis som en reaksjon på rassiaen han var ansvarlig for. Målet med den svært omfattende kampanjen var blant annet å forsøke å sverte Angelis og fader Anthony Alevizopoulos. Ingen skal nemlig ustraffet få anklage eller kritisere denne "kirken" for noe!

Under sjekkpunkt 15 i det hemmelige interne dokumentet, som kalles "Opererating Targets", avsløres den nære koblingen mellom U-MAN og Scientologikirken verden over. Her instrueres scientologene i Hellas fra OSA i USA å få U-MANs advokat i Hellas til å sjekke boken til fader Anthony Alevizopoulos i den gresk-ortodokse kirken som var en offentlig kritiker av Scientologikirken.

Avskrift av det beslaglagte dokumentet kan leses under. Skannet kopi av alle de 10 sidene av det ekte dokumentet kan sees her (siterte dokument er side 5): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 og 10

9. Get the exact role of the Orthodox Church PRO clarified and
determine how he could be allied.
                                                        INV OFF GRE

10. Utilize the data gotten to expose the priest's activities in
national papers through the lines already existing.
                                                        INV OFF GRE

11. Update the DA pack on Alevizopoulos and get it forwarded to
any person who needs to be informed on his real activities.
                                                        INV OFF GRE

12. Cultivate any line to the foreseen successor of Seraphin so he is
fed with the right data.
                                                        INV OFF GRE

13. See with Alexiou now the study of Alevizopoulos' books could be
speeded up.  When done get it distributed tot he concerned persons.
                                                        DSA GREECE

14. Get a copy of the complaints on the black list that Alexiou wants
to file after his return from holidays.  Make sure he files this.
Determine with him or/and his friends how it could be strengthened
and what kind of data would still be needed.  If any, see how we
can get them them and forward them to him.
                                                        DSA GREECE.

15. Get the priest's last book studied by the U-Man lawyer and
implement his advice on the handling.
                                                        DSA GREECE

16. Get it studied by lawyer Kourtis, get his advice and implement it.
                                                        DSA GREECE

17. Get a DA pack done specifically on the Alevizopoulos' last book
and forward it tothe interested terminals.
                                                        DSA GREECE

Flere dokumenter fra politiets ransakelse av Scientologikirken i Hellas er tilgjengelig her.

Det hører til historien at gresk rett etter disse oppdagelsene beordret Scientologikirken i Hellas til å legge ned. I den 23 siders dommen heter det blant annet:

"... an organization with totalitarian structures and trends, which essentially despises man, acts freely "in phenomenon" in order to attract members, who are then subjected (with all the above mentioned processes and theories) into a brain wash, aiming at the creation of directable way of thinking and minimizing objections (basic positions of the Scientology founder's theories), so that we are standing in front of beings with no personal will, who have lost the capacity of making decisions as products of their free will, since they have passed through the propaganda filters of Scientology and the suitable processing, become susceptible to the "truths" it applies, without having motives to examine and evaluate".

Brought to you by:
Operation Clambake