Operation Clambake presents:

The H-Files

FBI files on L Ron Hubbard


February 8, 1974



Your letter to the Department of Justice, requesting data from our files concerning Mr. L. Ron Hubbard, and the groups Dianetics and Scientology, has been referred to this Bureau and was received on January 31st.

I regret to advise you that most of the data we have received are in files that are not subject to disclosure under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552, since they fall into exemptions (1), (4), (5) and (7) of subsection (b) of the Freedom of Information Act. However, exceptions to the above would include such things as exchanges of correspondence between officials of these organizations and this Bureau, as well as any newspaper clippings that may pertain to these groups and Mr. Hubbard.

Since this material is contained in files consisting of some 400 pages, it will be necessary to review this data for the purpose of extracting this information. Pursuant to Title 28, Code of Federal Regulatioins, Section 16.9, we are authorized to charge a prescribed rate for furnishing copies of information and for time spend searching and screening our records. Based on a preliminary estimate, we conservatively project the cost to process your request to be approximately $200. A 25 percent deposit, or $50, payable by check or money order to the Treasury of the United States, will be required to initiate the processing.

If you wish us to process your request, please indicate in writing your willingness to pay the fees anticipated, enclose a deposit as mentioned above, and a signed, notarized statement from Mr. Hubbard indicating that we may make this date available to you. I am enclosing a reprint which sets forth Department of Justice regulations and policy implementing the Freedom of Information Act.

1 - Office of the Deputy Attorney General - Enclosure
1 - Bufile 62-115530 (FOI-REPLIES)
JCF:law (6)

[page 2]


You may appeal my decision in this matter by writing to the Attorney General, Attention: Office of Legal Counsel, Washington, D.C. 20530. Additionally, judicial review is thereafter available either in the district in which you reside or have a place of business or in the District of Columbia, the location of the records to which you seek access.


[stamped] C.M. Kelley

Clarence M. Kelley


NOTE: Our files reveal no record identifiable with correspondent. Although we have not conducted a full-field investigation of these organizations or Mr. Hubbard, our files contain numerous references to them. Some of this data has been furnished us by other Governmental agencies, or field offices, citizens writing in and various legats.

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Brought to you by:
Operation Clambake